
---> Question about High Blood Pressure?

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This may seem really stupid, and I feel stupid for asking, but will you blood pressure be higher right after you exercise or do something else active? Also does it rise after you eat? I had high blood pressure for the first time at my last apt and since then I have been getting really dizzy and feeling bad after I eat and after I do things like clean the house.




  1. Blood pressure goes up slightly, very slightly (not a whole lot) after exercise or activity.  If you eat something with a lot of sodium or caffiene can also raise your blood pressure.  If you are feeling bad after you do housework or anything, sit down and drink some water.  Also report any dizziness, fire cracker vision, swelling that does not go away in 24 hours, headaches that dont go away with tylenol, or any severe abdominal pain especially on the right side.  Sometimes when further in pregnancy blood pressure will go up a bit.  If its 130/90 or under I wouldnt worry, but if its a little higher then that I would rest and relax.  

  2. It does raise after exercising or strenuous activites. But high blood pressure during pregnancy is also a sign of preeclampsia. The dizziness and nausea are both signs of it as well. I would definitely call up your doctor and explain what's going on.

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