Question: hurts when I breath?

by  |  earlier

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It started when i woke up yesterday and it especially hurts when i take a deep breath.

what could be the problem?




  1. There are lots of reasons a person has pain upon deep breathing.  Some easy answers include bruised ribs or intercostal muscles, muscle strain, and acute airway inflammation.

    Some more severe causes of painful breathing include spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung), inflammation of the pleura, pericarditis, and cancer.

    If the pain is not sever and you do not have any other symptoms it is most likely safe to relax for a few days and see if it gets better.  If the pain is sever, you have associated shortness of breath, or other symptoms like bleeding or rapid heartbeat, you should seek out medical attention.

  2. Do you smoke? That could be one reason.

    Do you have asthma? That could be one reason.

    Your question is very vague... where does it hurt, your lungs? chest?nose?

    Give more info and I can help


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