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ive got a few questions about them.

1. they are my favorite animal and if i lived in the U.S. do you think i culd keep one at my house?i know that sounds stupid but...

2.what kind of fence would i need? would i get one?

OH YEAH! a link would be nice...such as on how to take care of them.

Thank you so much




  1. um i dont think its legal but go ahead and try to get perrmisiion because it could be possible

  2. no you could not keep one at your house in the US

    it is illegal for Australians to keep them captive so you wouldn't stand a chance of having one

    the only captive ones are in zoo's or being cared for when injured

  3. yea lol

    aww thats upsetting because you cant

    the reason because

    if otha countrys could take our national animals then noone would want to come here

  4. You wouldn't be allowed and Kangaroos are only here in Australia anyway.

    And Kangaroos are quite dangerous animals, it would be able to kill you easily. Not a good idea to have as a pet.

  5. No one, not even an Australian in Australia, is allowed to keep a kangaroo as a pet.

  6. you wouldnt be allowed to, and trust me, you wouldnt want one.

    i have seen a kangaroo kill a little dog by drowning it in a creek, holding it under the water with his feet.

    they are not cute and cuddly in real life, like every wild animal i suppose.

  7. Whether you can keep a kangaroo depends on the laws of your state and country.  It is illegal to export them from Australia without a permit, so you will have to find one bred in captivity offshore.  Good luck with that.

    Depending on the species of roo, they will need a lot of space.  If you have anything less than a few acres forget it because it would be cruel.

    You need tall strong fences.

  8. wellllllllllllllllllllll

    first of all

    kangaroos are native to australia and no one here has one as a pet.

    and its illegal, and if you live in the US and had one as a pet thatd be against national and probly international laws.

  9. Kangaroos are wild animals, not domestic pets.

  10. You dont need a fence a good rope will do,we put them on a "Run"where they can get excersize in the back yard,like our dog bluey,we have two but one lives next door coz he gets fed  possoms by  the neighbours..If you keepem in the yard moslty..they will need to be trained to use the same place for pooping,so this can take time as they tend to drop it mostly around the back door,so you have to hose them down also,once a week cuz the stink a bit too. you can get them on mail blowme up and take me for a
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