
***men and ramadan***?

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Do you think men still think about women during this time and the person they really want to be with? Can he still be in contact w/ the woman he likes?




  1. They can, from 6'00 pm to 4'00 am

  2. your wife is still your wife!

    you can talk, kiss, do anything you like with her except sexual intercourse in day time. (that you can even do it at night!!)

    in Ramadan you are asked to love the other, that people with good deeds would be forgiven except two conflicting brothers, they would be delayed until they come together again.

    you are asked to fast & stay away from women in a trial to raise the soul part of yourself... u put aside instinctions and get down to worshiping Allah. and in fact it works... i can feel it...

    peace & happy Ramadan :)

  3. If married or true lovers then why not.

  4. The person he should really want to be with is the person he should be married to.

    Yes, married couples do contact each other over Ramadan.

    I am not referring to boyfriend/girlfriend relationships as they are haram.

  5. Yes he still can.. but no touching like holding hand while fasting..

    ( that is what i know )

  6. I'm Christian...

  7. yeh he can think of him or be in contact provided that there is no sexual intercourse for it breaks fasting

  8. During this time his mind will be on Islam and his faith as allot od people are devoted to it more so during this time.

    I am sure he will be thinking about you if he likes you, it is all he can do right now as due to you not being married he cannot make any physical contact, except over the telephone once his fast has broken.

    It's different when you are married to that person though - you can see each other during this time and make physical contact once fasting has broken.

    I am sure the wait will be well worth it and once Ramadan is over you will know how much he has thought about you due to the how eager he is to see you.

  9. As long as they live, they will never forget about women, but i'm sure he still in contact with the women he loves, his wife, his mother, sisters and aunts.
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