
"Come as you are"?

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When you are told that, how would you dress?




  1. Somewhere in between.  It's always good to look your best at certain functions even if you are able to wear casual clothes.

  2. In my experience most of the time when people use that phrase they don't mean it literally.  I take it to mean dress comfortable, casual but decent.  I've seen some people take it literally and find themselves a litle embarassed as most people look put together and they look a mess.

  3. Well first thing comes to mind is the song "come as you are"  by Nirvana, then I just dress casual, don't go overboard, but i dont' go in anything dirty or 'at home and don't care' style.  Just like i'm going to the mall or to see my family or whatever...casual. My WIFE on the other hand treats it like we're going to a freakin big event like a concert, or club, or something that requires intense make-up sessions and pimped out clothing.....and she'll do that JUST to go to the mall or h**l see my family......freakin ridiculous.

  4. It means show up dressed the way you would usually dress when you know people you know are going to see you and weather appropriate.

  5. It means that you should wear what you were wearing at the moment you first received or heard the invitation.

    More info....

    A generation or two ago, Come-As-You-Are parties were a popular fad. Hosts invited guests to arrive at the appointed time and place dressed exactly as they were when they received the invitation (usually by phone). So if your hair was in rollers, you had pink furry slippers on and green cold cream all over your face — that’s how you came to the party. I’m sure it was meant to be an ice-breaker of sorts. Hosts would go out of their way to reach guests at inopportune moments. And it could have been hilarious for those who had the guts to show up dripping wet, having just stepped out of the shower, wearing nothing but a towel; or in their cheesy bowling-league uniform, sweating after a workout, or whatever. A low-brow masquerade party. But my guess is the novelty soon wore off because few people had the guts to show up “as they really are”.

  6. I went to one in my motorbike gear. I rode with the Angel's at the time. I don't think they liked it. Had to take my helmet and jacket off.

  7. oh, go WAY 'over the top' by ALL means.  Duh, it means casual.

  8. I'd wear a Nirvana shirt and jeans.

  9. As you are for me usually means in my pj' if I think that's what they really mean, that's what I wear.  Otherwise it's jeans and a tee.

  10. nice

  11. Dress comfortably and casually for the situation..

    If it's a dinner party - don't show up in  shorts and a tank top

    If it's a wedding - dress relaxed but elegant


  12. If someone told me come as you are in the summertime, I would simply wear a short cottom skirt, tank top and flip flops - if it's a casual dinner/party I would dress it up with hoop earings and accessories like a headband etc...

  13. Anyway you want.

  14. Come as you are I think would mean as you normally dress in the casual sense.

  15. Shoot for the middle.  It's always better to be slightly overdressed.  Nice jeans or khakis, no tee shirts and no flip-flops!  Even if everyone else is in jeans and t-shirts, you still won't look too out of place.

  16. like a slob! lol

  17. In between. Jeans, nice shoes and a flattering top.

  18. Strictly Victorian...bustle included...Black attire..with a pair of Flamingo thongs-thingie below all the fluff!

  19. Probably inbetween

  20. Its anywhere beteween pj's and a wedding gown. But I'd wear something that comfortable, but you still look good in it.

  21. it's in the heart. come as you are refers to your weaknesses. still come as you ARE.
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