
"Mission Accomplished"?

by Guest45081  |  earlier

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So for all of the times the White House has reported we're "winning" in Iraq, we're supposed to believe them NOW?

Does anyone find this ironic with it being election season?




  1. Ummm, it was accomplished.  The Iraqi government was defeated and the country occupied.  Now, the new mission after that is still ongoing and the Iraqi government is starting to take wobbly steps without the allies help so it appears to be improving substantially.  The US government wasn't exactly stable for its first 10 years nor was that of Germany and Japan after that first mission was accomplished (winning WW II) and the second mission started and they are all doing quite fine now.  There is no relation so cannot be used as a differentiator.  

    Yes, I find it ironic that all the spinning of the past is still a spinning.  The cynicism of liberals knows no bounds.

  2. The misson was accomplished. The US is now:

    - Providing record profits to no-bid contractors and corporations.

    - Allowing many corporations to ship crude oil to refineries in California.

    - Establish fortifications to control strategic locations in the Middle East.

    - Reduced civil liberties to enable corporate profiteering without being bothered with folks like Ralph Nader.

    The loss of a few thousdand American lives on 9/11 and lives lost by first responders means nothing to these Republicans and Democrats. Let's give the 50,000 9/11 workers relief for their serious medical needs. Let's hear the truth and let's act like American patriots in response.

  3. Not so much ironic as a cynical ploy that aims to boost the electability of John McCain in November.

  4. I don't know what you are talking about.  You disagree with the white house because liberal media disagrees with the White House.  Liberals hate everything Bush does regardless of the factual events.  Iraq will be a success if we give it a chance.  OR, how about we pull our troops out in 6 months?  We will be sending them back in 3 weeks to keep Iran from taking it over.

  5. Can you blame them for trying to go out on a high note.  It will look better in the history books.

  6. Not really ironic since we really are winning.

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