This is something that has been going on for a while...
In short, my "mom" and I don't get along - never really have.
Everything she says to me is negative, never any compliments...
Always yelling or punishing me for something.
Today she compared me to poison, last night she told me people will call me names for the way I dress (for the record, i was wearing a t-shirt and sweats) and she always scrutinizes... calls me a *****, s**t, etc.
I am FED UP! I am leaving for college in a week, but I need to get this through her head that it's not me that's the problem. The "relationship" as I see it is beyond repair... I've built up too big of a wall of resentment towards her and she isn't making any effort to stop.
How can I deal with this?
Ps: I have a younger brother and he is treated like the perfect child... he gets everything he wants, I get blamed for everything he does, he never gets yelled at... UGH.