
<span title="!!!!!!!!!!!************!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">!!!!!!!!!!!************!!...</span>

by Guest61176  |  earlier

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What are the chances of me being a pro golfer when im older?

Im 13

Playing of a 19 handicap

and live in the south of england




  1. its really hard to tell.... you could become a great golfer or you could  never improve on your 19 handicap .... only time will tell.... at 13 i had a 14 handicap and by time i hit highschool (age 15) i was down to a 4 handicap...

  2. The only way is to keep playing, and keep getting better, and eventually try and to enter a pro-am competition and try to get noticed .

  3. it is hard to tell right now. the best thing to do is to work hard. your goal should be to get a golf scholarship to a good golfing school. then you&#039;ll have a good chance.

  4. It is difficult to tell what your chances of being a pro golfer are but with the mentality to get attention by !!!!!!!!!!**********!!!!!...I would have to say slim to none.

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