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i am going on a homestay trip to Reims,france next week and would like to know if....

A)you have been there....whats it like in reims?

B)any useful french phrases...other than 'i am lost'

C)Does anyone know the scrabalat family in reims?! ;)

D)Disneyland:Paris: which is the must see-ride?!




  1. There is a really great cathedral. You must go see it. And Disneyland Paris is lame, don&#039;t waste your time or Euros.

  2. I&#039;m French living in Paris,

    I&#039;ve been in Reims a long time ago. Reims is the main town from the Champagne area at about 150 km in the East from Paris. A rather great town but of course little in comparison with Paris.

    There is a very well known cathedral.

    WIth the TGV (High speed train), you are at only 45 minutes from Paris.

    The main phrases in french :

    Good morning : bonjour

    Good evening : bonsoir

    Thank you very much : Merci beaucoup

    Can I drink a glass of wine ?  : Est-ce que je peux boire un verre de vin ?

    I don&#039;t know this family.

    About Disneyland, everything is worth you want.

    There are a second park about cinema also interesting.

  3. its defo best to be courtious to the shop keepers etcas theyr big on being polite so keep with the &quot;Bonjour Monsiour/Madame/Madamoselle&quot; et &quot;Mercis Ouvoir&quot;...

    If you need directions&gt;&gt;

    Ou se trouve/Ou est: (where is...where ever you want to go)

    1) Le Cathedral

    2) (sont) les toilettes

    3) le banc

    4) le pattiserie/ boulangerie (butcher)/boucherie (baker)/epicerie (grocers)/supermarche/marche (market) etc

    5) l&#039;entree (the entrance)

    If you want the time&gt;&gt;

    Excusem&#039;oi, Quelle heure est il? (excuse me what time is it)

    Le magasin/musee ferme/ouvre a quelle heure? (the shop/museum closes/opens at what time?)

    Ordering stuff&gt;&gt;

    Je voudrais.../J&#039;aimerais../Vous Avais.../Je prendre... (I would like, i would like, do you have, illl take)

    1) du jambon (some ham)

    2) le fromage (the cheese)

    3) le poisson/poulet (fish/chicken) etc etc

    4) l&#039;eau (the water) (L-o)

    - my waitor didnt understand my impression of a fish when trying to order water without a french dictionary!! lol

    Handy phrases:

    Waitor: serveur/serveurse

    The Bill: l&#039;addition/la note

    I&#039;m sorry: j&#039;regrette/je suis desole/je regrette

    Excuse me: pardon/excuse&#039;moi (excuse-em-moi)

    Puis-je avoir des &quot;oreos&quot;? (Can i have some &quot;oreos&quot;?)

    If you havnt been to france before: the pastrys at pattiseries and the ice creams are great! In paris the cartedior ice cream parlour/store is brilliant and reasonably priced so if you go by stop in!

    If you want an ice cream or sandwich then remember that the flavour/description comes AFTER the noun. I forgot last visit and they didnt understand me at all!! (une glase fraise - a strawberry icecream) me if you want any more phrases or advice lol.

    Havnt been to Reims but i hear its lovely and sceneric etc! And dont miss out on the ice cream.

    Disneyland paris is a bit naff really i would say that you shouldnt really waste your euros and time on it but if its a skl trip and you have to go then dont waste time and energy trawling around looking at allthe rides cos its best and more fun if you find a few lush ones to keep going round and round on those ones!

    hope this is of help to you

  4. Well, never been to France nor do I know the family you speak of, but I did take 2 yrs of French in high school, so I might be able to help you w/ a couple of phrases. Spelling them will be awful, so I&#039;ll spell them like they&#039;re pronounced.

    Est ca je peu allez a al toilette? (Ess ka ja &#039;soft j&#039; pu allay a la twalette?) Means, &quot;May I go to the bathroom?&quot; (I don&#039;t remember the word for &quot;where,&quot; but I think it&#039;s Ou a la toilette? Where is the bathroom?)

    C&#039;est mon chien! (Say mone shee&#039;en) That&#039;s my dog! LOL

    Est ca je peu une bierre? (Same as above and it&#039;s &quot;oon bee-air&quot;) May I have 1 beer? Very important! LOL

    Je suis aujente du fere votre conaissance. (Ja &#039;soft j&#039; swee awjuntay doo fair votray coneessance) I am very pleased to meet your acquaitence. Yeah, I butchered that spelling and probably the pronunciation, but I tried.

    Ma faux. (Ma foe) My fault.

    Hope that helps and my French teacher would kill me if she knew I taught someone the beer and dog ones! LOL Have a great time and safe travels!

  5. Reims is pretty tiny but a relatively nice town. If you stay a bit there I&#039;d definitely recommend visiting a Champagne cellar, they are really interesting and you learn a lot about the drink you&#039;ll probably get to sample it as well.

  6. I&#039;m french, sorry for my poor english phrases !!!

    Reims is a nice little city.

    take a look of the cathedrale.

    And the market street &quot;Place Erlon&quot; in front of the train station, there is a lot of shop.

    Don&#039;t forget visiting champagne cellars...and taste a glass of champagne wine !!!

    usual phreses: take a look @tiramisu

    Don&#039;t red what  sweet libra write it&#039;s totally wrong !! lol !!! oh poor teatcher !!! loll

    may I go to the bathroom? --&gt; &quot;Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?? &quot; or  &quot; où sont les toilettes?&quot;

    I m very pleased to met you --&gt; je suis heureuse de faire votre connaissance

    Don&#039;t know this family

    and never go in disneyland

    Have a nice trip !!!

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