
<span title="BRACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">BRACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span> i want them... :[?

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ive hated my teeth since 3rd grade! im now going into 8th and there not crocked there all pretty straight but i have a gap in between my two front teeth it isnt huge its about as wide as....the end of a toothpick can fit in it but not the whole toothpick!!

my mom is like u dont need braces the will go together eventually its so annoying because i know they wont i have no baby teeth i need braces how can i convince my mom i need them and to get them!




  1. Two of my friends had the same problem. For one...the gap closed on it&#039;s own.  The other had braces just for her gap...and they were on for only a couple months so it&#039;s not like it would be terribly expensive.

  2. 1st braces hurt - I dont think that for a small gap - they are neccesary. Of course the dentist would recommened them - because that is how they get paid .... also braces cost about 5000.00 -

    Secondly- Once your wisdon teeth erupt / come in - it will close your gap .... I can almost gaurantee it.

  3. Ask her to make you an appointment with an orthodontist. Your orthodontist will tell you whether you need them or not.

  4. kk dude u probably need braces if ur dentist says u do but ur mom just doesnt want to pay cuz trust me that junk is expencive and it hurts like h**l so i would recommend u get visaline its just like a retainer and the best part is their invisable and they r a hella lot cheaper than real braces cuz my girlfriend had really bad teeth but then she got visalin and now they perfect trust me i now wut im talkin about

  5. Have your secondary molars come out yet?  It starts to crowd at that time.

  6. listen to the dentist, your mom isn&#039;t professionly trained or schooled to know that.

    both you and your mom will reget it when your older if you dont do it now. it takes like 3 times as long for adults with braces, than kids

  7. Let your mom decide if you need braces or not.

  8. Actually your mom is right your teeth are not done growing yet when you turn 18 lots of people don&#039;t know this but your wisdom teeth will start growing in  and they push your teeth together lots of times they crowd them and lots of people get them removed but in your case you have a gap and once they come in it will definitely close it!

    As for getting braces i would reccomend doing what your doctor tells you, your mom probably just doesnt have the money you are lucky my mom does whatefer they say if i needed braces and the doctor told my mom she would make me get them in a heartbeat!lol I want them too, my teeth are perfect and i have one of the best mouths my dentist sees but I think they look nice and all the colors are awesome!lol

    Hope this helps

  9. tell your mom to make an appointment with the orthodontist, and then you will have a consultation for getting braces. if your mom wont make an appointment for this, just tell her its only to get information, and maybe in the process, she&#039;ll get convinced that you need braces once she hears all the stuff about them from the orthodontist. sure your teeth MAY go back eventually, but its like a 50/50 chance because it may turn out in a bad position so its always better to be safe than sorry. if your mom doesnt want u getting braces because of money issues, tell her you really need them and its a necesity to fix your teeth, and its better to get them now than later. if you got them later, you&#039;d have them until high school or more o;

    hope this answers ur question!


  10. When your wisdom teeth come in, it may push them toegether, it just depends on if you want to wait until you are between 16-24 yrs old for those to come in (mine came in when I was 19).

    For a space that small you would only need braces for less than a year, and with &quot;Invisalign&quot; it would be even easier.

  11. Your dentist has to make the call for you to get braces. He will let you know whever you go in for a cleaning and if he says that the gap will close, it will close.

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