
<span title="HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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I'm going to high school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im NOT popular and im not good at making friends(im shy)my friends from last year arent in my classes...i dont know what to do and at lunch i dont know what to do..i dont eat lunch i just sit and talk but what if my friends arent there???please help mee!!!!




  1. Oh i had to go through that kinda.  I was new freshman year.  So i didnt know anyone.  It sucked.  But you probably will make new friends, just talk to the people who sit near you, ask them how was your summer, and stuff like that.  Or if there is anyone new im sure they would love you to talk to them, since they don&#039;t know anyone at all lol.  But it will be fine, the first few days will be tough, but after that it gets better.  And at lunch, hopefully some of your friends will be in there and if they arent just sit with some people you kinda know or have atleat talked to before,. but if you don&#039;t want to do that you could sit alone =/ i had to do that once.

  2. i have that same problem, you are not the only one. just try not 2 be shy. i know, easier said than done

  3. i know it can be fustrating and devastating tha tu wont have ANYONE to eat lunch with, hang around with, and it can feel quite embarassing that u&#039;re all alone at school with no one to talk to. u&#039;d feel that ppl will think that u dont have any friends wich will lead them to not hang around with u cause u&#039;re not &quot;cool&quot; enough, or is a loser. and it can be REALLY embarassing and sad when the teacher asks the class to pair up with a partner or go into a group.... and u dont know ANYONE and u feel so alone and embarassed that you don&#039;t have anyone to be your partner...

    i was once that kid. (in grade 10 n 11)

    how i delt with it (back then): i guess the reason i wasnt popular was because i just didnt talk. i never talked to anyone unless they talked to me first. and i was pretty quiet.and i was so self-concious about being not popular. i always thought that the popular kids didnt want to hand around cause they thought i was a loner/unpopular. so i just lived in embarassedment all my high school life. and that also cause my grades to drop cause i didnt ave any good friends to ask for help on homeworks, or get a partner to a project with....

    i quit school after that and now im dropping back in this fall (to a different school) so im gonna go into a school knowing NO ONE. but it&#039;s a positive one cause since i dont know anyone, they dont know me. so i can make a good first impression of myself and its my chance to get as many friends as i can.

    when u r in a class, and is all alone, probably, on the frist day, they&#039;ll do some kind of intoduction thing in ur class. so make a good first  impression and SMILE ALOT. be NICE. make sure u r well dressed. hair groomed/straitned/etc. when u meet a good friend, CLING ON TO THAT PERSON and ask her if u can eat lunch with her. admit that u are new and u kinda dont know anyone. it tells her that u r in a situation that she&#039;ll understand and will gladdly help u out (hopefully) and u can meet more new ppl at lunch with HER friends.

    well, i hope this helpd.....

  4. Don&#039;t worry, even if you&#039;re not good at making friends you will. Everything will be fine just relax. It&#039;s hard not to be shy, but just talk to the people in your classes. There&#039;s nothing to worry about everyone gets scared before high school, but it&#039;s not a big deal, you&#039;ll be fine.  

  5. It might help to find someone else in your classes who looks equally shy and lost and kind of go up to them or start talking to them on your way to the cafeteria so it&#039;s kind of a natural progression that you sit with them. That way, you look like you&#039;re just sitting with them b/c you happen to be talking to them and not b/c you&#039;re desperate to not sit alone.

    It&#039;s always scary to do that (even when you&#039;re out of high school; I still experience that feeling when I go into the cafeteria of the college where I teach!!!), so I call one of my friends to meet me there.

    Another option is to make new friends in your classes, which will likely happen anyway. I&#039;m sure other people in the classes are worried that they don&#039;t have friends. See who&#039;s already friends and who isn&#039;t, and then compliment someone on something. People like to be around others who make them feel good, so to strike up a conversation, compliment someone on something genuine (like don&#039;t say &quot;I like your shoes&quot; when they&#039;re wearing plain ugly flip flops). Then you can get into a whole conversation and, before you know it, you&#039;ll have a friend. Not everyone in high school is popular (in fact, very few people are), so you&#039;re in the same boat as everyone else, practically. I hope that helps...

  6. just relax... be your self and just have fun. There are nice people in high school and millions of students are worried about the samething your going through.. friends will come to you if you just be yourself

  7. Don&#039;t worry, you will make friends after a week of school and remember that your are not the only freshman that will sit alone in the lunchroom alone on the first day of school.

  8. The important thing to remember is that nearly everyone is in the same boat as you. I&#039;m shy as well but try talking with people in your classes. When you go to lunch, you might find someone else sitting alone. You can ask if the seat is taken, and you could both try to stir up a conversation. (worked for me) Try not to worry so much and be yourself.

  9. if you think like that of yourself then obviously you will be like that.

    every morning get up, look at yourself in the mirror and say &quot;i am an interesting and fun person, people will like me and i will make new friends and keep the old&quot;

    your friends arent in your classes? at least they&#039;re in your school! i had to start from scratch when i started high school (of course my self esteem is a little higher)

    just because you&#039;re not popular doesnt mean you wont make friends, the entire school population isn;&#039;tmade up of popular people. as a rule high schools have more people and therefore more people to make friends with.

    good luck, think a little higher of yourself, talk to your friends now about your fears, if they&#039;re real friends they&#039;ll help you out.

    i&#039;ll pray for you

    but its nothing life threatening

  10. You&#039;ll most likely end up making friends... Join some clubs maybe the sports team or the drama high school, there are a lot of options! You are bound to make friends if you join a club!

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