
<span title="Help???...............................">Help???.....................</span>

by  |  earlier

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O.K. I have this friend, and she self harms. I really don't know what she is capable of or anything, and I'm really worried about her. She won't let anyone in and is convinced that there is nothing wrong with her. She has a disabled brother, and has to look after him sometimes. She has been doing this for over a year now. I'm really worried. What should i do?




  1. Persuade her to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.  You&#039;ll of course need patience and persistence.  If necessary, ask your own physician for advice as a first step.

  2. prayer to him..and give prensent to make she happy..

  3. Don&#039;t under any condition call mental help on her like this person above is suggesting, this will only push her away and she will feel betrayed, she will never trust you again. It doesn&#039;t necesarily mean that she is suicidal, but in case she may have those feelings try to talk to her about it, with genuine feeling, and as a person. Don&#039;t treat her like there is something wrong with her. Ask her why she does this and maybe she will help you to understand.

    It&#039;s possible that there is nothing wrong with her and she just likes to feel the pain or the high you get from cutting, it releases endorphins into your system and makes you feel good. So she very well may not have a problem.

    There are other reasons people cut themselves. It takes the emotional pain they are going through away or makes that pain more real. For some they are so numb inside that its the only way they can make themselves feel anything. For others its a coping mechanism. Sometimes physical pain is a solution, not a problem.

    Maybe the reason she won&#039;t let anyone in is that she feels that you won&#039;t understand, or will judge her, or maybe she doesn&#039;t want you to worry more than you already are. Explain to her that you love her and you want to help, just talk to her and try to understand what she feels about this. Be there for her, thats what you should do, just be there for her. If after you&#039;ve spoke to her from your heart and she still insists there is nothing wrong, there probably is not.  

  4. If she&#039;s harming herself and she has a disabled brother that needs care, then you should most likely contact local authorities to get her help.  I&#039;ve seen this before...all it could do is get worse, until she ultimately harms someone that she does not mean to harm.  :( I&#039;m sorry for your situation.  I hope that you are able to help your friend.

  5. tell her your concerned,

    google self harm with her?

    ask her if she&#039;d go to the doc&#039;s with you, she&#039;s probably embarrassed, its a cry for help.

    probably thinks she has no control of her life, and this lets her control the pain that others are causing her??

    hope she gets the help she needs. x

  6. Well everyone needs a good friend that they can trust , let her know that you are there for her , talk things out it will be very emotional but she will feel like someones watching out for her , have a deep conversation and make sure it is a meaning full one, don&#039;t rush it , denial is just a side affect if she truly trusts you she will open up but let her  do it on her own time, maybe something at school work or in her home life is wrong , offer her help with little things such as helping her look after her brother or simply helping her with her homework , remember that she is a sensitive person and just may need a good friend to talk to, but also having a disabled sibling can be very hard she just not might getting all the attention she craves from her family and is hurting herself as a way to obtain that attention she doesn&#039;t get at home the only sure way is to talk to her .

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