
<span title="Seriously.......................?">Seriously...................</span>

by Guest45256  |  earlier

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Why do people give other people thumbs down in this section when they have a good answer? Why do people disown fourteen year olds answering this topics when they do have the correct answer? I think half the people who say they are pilots are infact kids on yahoo answers.




  1. Many go along with common wisdom, not knowing it is often incorrect.

  2. I agree......I give precise answers and still get thumbs down.

    I think people are stalking me so i put my profile to private.

    I bet you anything i get five or six thumbs down to this answer.

    And there are poser pilots.....I have a list of five.

    People think I&#039;m a pilot which i am not.

    I out information about a pilots life because i know about it, not because i am.

    My name Comair has nothing to do with me working for the airline Comair.

    I&#039;m fourteen so what?

    Every one of these pilots was like me and every other kid wanting to be a pilot.

    And don&#039;t say you were not because you were.

    And i have a pilot as my aviator.

    OK so?

  3. Could it be that what you think is a good and correct answer somebody else thinks is a bad and wrong answer? Hmmmm?

  4. People that give thumbs down, in any  opinion based arena, are pretty much lined up on the left side of the bell curve.

    They are just trying to justify their taking up of other people&#039;s oxygen so they can feel like they have accomplished something by the flipping of the thumb.

    I get them all the time, sometimes deserved if I give an incorrect response or try to be a bit humorous, which I must say is most of the time. They don&#039;t like that in here, either. Airplanes are, because they defy natural laws, inherently dangerous and are nothing to be joked about, even if it&#039;s something retarded like the weight of a suitcase.

    I don&#039;t let it bother me, the more the better. As long as you try to be the best in whatever you do in life, let this little c**p fall by the wayside.

  5. My personal opinion is that you ought to have to justify any thumbs down.  But you can&#039;t just say, &quot;it&#039;s wrong.&quot;  You would have to tell us WHY you think it is wrong.

  6. I agree with Comair.  There are a lot of posers, probably of all age groups, and a lot who associate their game time with flight hours.  Thumbs down are often used as the only means of expression in an empty life.  It happens in all categories.

    I&#039;ve seen some really poor answers from people claiming to have vast experience.  Equally frustrating is when well thought answers lose out to &quot;Yup&quot; or some other equally irrelevant response.

  7. The other folks are right...there are a lot of idiots who like to hide behind the screen that selecting a thumbs down provides (rather than answering and providing a useful response or rebuke)...bit childish and petty, really.

    I couldn&#039;t care less who someone is or what age they are - if they can answer correctly, they&#039;ve done well!

    Methinks its jealousy from some feeling they have been shown up...

    I actually am a commercial pilot by trade. However, as I&#039;m only comparatively young (21) - I&#039;m still working in the GA sector - currently training up as an instructor, and doing charter. Therefore, I&#039;m happy to help as much as I can - but I won&#039;t pretend to be a jet expert for example, or know-it-all about military flight - I&#039;m not. I&#039;m a GA charter pilot, not a fighter jock. I fly Chieftains, not F-16s!

    However I do have an instrument rating and passes in ATPL theory - so if there is something I know from the IFR or ATPL line, then I answer. I don&#039;t pretend to fly a jet - just have passes in the base level airline studies.

    The world would be a better place if we could all be honest about our credentials!

  8. Sometimes the mouse slips and you click the wrong thumb (you can&#039;t undo it).

    Some people can&#039;t believe that someone younger or with less experience can give a better answer than they can.

    I am still a kid though.  Pilots have a tough time growing up.

    Bert from Oz, that&#039;s good idea about credentials:

    Here goes:

    Commercial pilot for five years: Multi, IFR, Night, Instructor, Seaplane.  Currently working part 702/703 (air taxi).

    Aircraft mechanic for ten years: AME M1 (aircraft under 12,500) M2 (aircraft over 12,500).  Currently doing maintenance for the company I am flying for.

    Aircraft I have experience flying or working on:

    Beech Sundowner (F/W)

    Beech H35 Bonanza(F/W)

    Beech B55 Baron(F/W)

    Beech 60 Duke (F/W)

    Beech King Air 90/200/350 (W)

    Bell 206B (W)

    Boeing 727 (W)

    Boeing 737 (W)

    Boeing 757 (W)

    Britten Norman BN2A Islander (F/W)

    Cessna 150/152  (F/W)

    Cessna 172  (F/W)

    Cessna 177  (F/W)

    Cessna 180 (W)

    Cessna 182 (F/W)

    Cessna 185 (W)

    Cessna 205 (F/W)

    Cessna 206 (F/W)

    Cessna 207 (W)

    Cessna 337 (F/W)

    Cessna 320 (W)

    Cessna 402 (W)

    Cessna 441 (W)

    Chinook AULA (F)

    Citabria 7GCBC/7GCAA (F/W)

    Convair 580 (W)

    Convair 5800 (W)

    DeHavilland Beaver (W)

    DeHavilland Turbine Otter (W)

    Grumman AA5 Traveler (W)

    Grumman G21 Goose (W)

    Lake LA-4-200 Buccaneer (W)

    Lockheed CC-130 Hercules (W)

    Maule MX-7 (W)

    Mooney M20E (W)

    Navion Rangemaster (W)

    North American Harvard (W)

    Piper Super Cub (W)

    Piper Tomahawk (W)

    Piper Cherokee (F/W)

    Piper Warrior (F/W)

    Piper Cherokee SIX (F/W)

    Piper Turbo Arrow IV (W)

    Piper Turbo Seminole (F/W)

    Piper Chieftain/Navajo (F/W)

    Short SC.7 Skyvan (W)

    Short 360 (W)

    Taylorcraft BC12 (F/W)

    Westwind 1125 (W)

    So while I don&#039;t have that much experience as a pilot, I do have quite a bit of systems knowledge on larger, older, and more unusual aircraft.  Also, aerodynamics is a bit of a hobby for me; I get most of my information from this site:

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