
<span title="Surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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ok look so im 14 years old and about 3 or 4 months ago

i found outt that i have two little balls growing inside my right boob

the doctor told me though that if it keeps growing from here to probably january or february i might need surgery

and im like freaked out cause no 14 year old wants to get surgery especially in her boob i mean come on... the liitle ball thats growing is because that im eating to much fiber which is kinda weird but i dont... does anyone know aboutt this problem and if its bad the doctor said it isnt but i mean you never know...




  1. fibroadenosis or benign adenomas , no harm in excision ,

  2. I agree  probably little cysts.  your Dr. should have explained to you what this was and the treatment as well as any precautions.  Sure it will be small scars.  But hey it is great your Dr. is taking care of it now.  So look on the bright side.  May god be with you.

  3. Probably just cysts if the doctor says its fine. It&#039;ll barely leave a scar, if any, and you and your boob are in no danger.

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