
(twilight question) New Moon is sad?

by Guest32410  |  earlier

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Alright, can someone please explain? I mean, when people talk about this book, they're like "i cried my eyes out!" or "It's so depressing!" and honestly, when i read this book, i didn't feel like that at all. I can't even think of a time in which crying would have been appropriate! Except perhaps weeping over my bitter disappointment seeing as twilight was great and this, to me, was blahhhhhhhhhhhh.

Don't get all defensive, it's just my opinion. And what happened to bella?! The interesting, spunky lead from the first book turned into a mopey, whinny, depressed little baby and that really irked me. I guess i would have felt for her if edward was at least a little interesting, because to me he was a complete and total bore. Too "perfect", it drove me nuts! But if i keep going, I'm sure to get a lot of fangirl hatred, so i'll stop myself. (though i think the damage is done)

Anyway, can someone explain what was "so sad" about New Moon? I'm very curious.




  1. i never thought bella was interesting or spunky, even in twilight. maybe for the first chapter or two? after she met edward it all went down the drain.

    frankly, i didn't find new moon sad at all. maybe it was because i didn't care diddlysquat about any of the characters. bella and edward could go fall into a hole for all i care, and in my opinion, the world would be better for it.

    and no, edward isn't perfect. he's a stalker-abuser. s.m. just never picked up on that, and kept on talking about how wonderful he was even though he was doing all this stuff.

    yes, you can probably see i'm not the biggest twilight fan. oh well. it's my own opinion. bring on the thumbs down!

  2. well i think that a lot of teen girls feel that when there first love is lost that it's earth breaking.  and so there for they can identify with her. i think it was all b/c they were so into edward and he was absent for so much of the book. plus it introduced a new-ish character Jacob and well i'm sure it irked them.  

  3. everyone was balling (including me!!) because they are all in love with edward and feel as if they are bella. and when edward leaves, and bella is so heartbroken, we felt that heartbreak too!


  4. i love edward. it made me sad to read new moon because when you do break up with someone, it is heartbreaking, and on top of that he said that he didn't want her anymore

  5. when edward left bella?  

  6. I agree with you and your first answer, I did not feel sad when i read the book, but I was mad at both Edward (for being selfless and leaving)

    And Bella (for moping around, and then forgiving him and dumping Jacob!)

    I think maybe it made people cry, not because it is sad, but that everything falls apart and there is so much emotion.  

  7. well too me it was sad cuz u just knew how much bella and edward loved eachother and to have edward leave was just...ugh

    plus putting myself in bellas shoes i would be so depressed to lose the love of my life and my best friend (alice leaves too)

  8. it was sad for Jacob. His love left him! thats sad.  

  9. It was sad to see bella's love of her life edward to leave. It was also sad to see that Jacob loves bella so dearly much but shes not so that'sis  sad. But I do agree I was upset that they made her whinney and clingy, but it all ends well in Elipse and Breaking dawn is excellent even though she (stephen myer) got alot of c**p for it.

    But there was suppose to be frigin 5 books and nows since many people got ahold of the drafts to midnight sun stephen myer isn't going to put out the 5th book :(

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