Until recently, my 61/2 year-old daughter used to brave the night and sleep alone in her room, often putting herself to bed and without the need for night lights. A couple of weeks ago, she started to ask for some light when going to bed. She also started to ask every day if her dad and I would be going out and would be very upset if the answer was yes. At aroud the same time, she also started to put a finger, sometimes a couple of them in her mouth. We've had talks about nightmares and fear of the dark. She says she can't explain why she's afraid but she is afraid that something will happen to me. As for the oral habit, I can't get anything out of her on that other than her 71/2 year-old brother has unfortunately had that habit since he was a toddler so she says she's just copying him. Should I worry? Is this serious? How should I approach a more constructive conversation with her?