
Regretting for not becoming a football player?

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I'm 19 years old, and I'm a student at a community college. I am still deciding if I want to tranfer to a 4 year college. I didn't like football when I was a freshman in high school; so I never learned how to play the sport. Now I love the sport..and I regret for not trying out for the team in high school.

I get aperenoid at times, and i hate myself for not liking football back then. I know that if I do transfer to a 4 year college: I'll want to try out for football and I need to learn the sport and how it's played. I'm struggling to make guy I don't know what to do.





  1. aperenoid? Never heard that word before.

    Anyhow, just because you didn't play football in high school does not mean that you are at a huge disadvantage.

    Most high school programs only teach you the basics, vocabulary and some basic strategies.

    All you need to do is study the game. Pick up a copy of Madden football for your favorite video game console. Not only will it teach you the basics, but it is fun as well.

    From there, you can work out on your own while you learn the game and then try out when you have the opportunity.

    Besides, you are not going to be starting anyhow, so you are going to have plenty of time to learn the game.

  2. If you're talking about the actual varsity team that competes, you'll have to be a great natural athlete to make it and have an act of God to help you out.  People who've played football for years don't often make the teams.  Not trying to kill your dreams, because Lord knows I know what it feels like for people to do that, but the chances of you making the team are VERY low.

  3. I think I may have answered this before, but I'll answer it again.  The fact is that its never too late.  You are only 19, and all you have to do is find a football club or team in your area.  They could be in your school, or in your community.  Check them out, and sign up.  If you are having problems making male friends, then I suggest that you do not use football just for that purpose.  You can make male friends on campus, in other clubs, at church groups, anywhere.  Trust me when I tell you, its all in your mind.  All you have to do is put yourself out there whether it be on a football team or elsewhere.  But here is a piece of advice.  If you are only joining a football team because you want to make friends, then it won't last long.  Join because you want to have fun.  You'll make friends in the process.  I say that if you want to join it because you are interested then do so, but if its for superficial reasons, then you won't enjoy it.  My advice to you is to put yourself out there in different groups to make friends,  It can be done, just give it a try..  

  4. If you transfer to a larger school, you'll have to compete against highly-recruited players.  So go to a small school.

    Look what happened to Joe Flacco - he never played at Pittsburgh, so he transfered to Delaware and became a 1st rd pick in the draft.

  5. uh... id say transfer to a smaller school where u can walk on and possibly play in college.....

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