
Regular campers: what food do you bring?

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It's been a long time since I've been on an extended camping trip. It's going to be 4-5 days, and I was wondering what type of equipment you guys can recommend and what foods?

Of course we're going to have the necessities. A tent, sleeping bag, hygiene products, sunscreen, a small propane tank, a cooler. Is there anything else that I should bring?

And most importantly: what type of foods have you guys brought that worked out well?




  1. Hamburgers, hot dogs and corn on the cob. Don't leave without the smores. If you don't know what a smore is, you're not allowed to camp.

    You'll want flashlights of course, some lantern style flashlights would be great. If you're going to a lake, consider some fishing equipment. Frisbee, football etc.

    Bring flip flops for the public showers or bathrooms if they have them.

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