
Regular clothes for surfing?

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Do any clothes like underarmor skin tight longsleeve shirts help when surfing colder water or do they make you even colder?

I'm new at surfing and unemployed so I dont have the funds for a wetsuit at the moment




  1. You don't have to get a wet suit. And no, it makes you warmer.

    They are too expensive anyways.

  2. get a 4" by 3" inches thick suit...  save up your cash...get a job.... get an oniel suit

    they last long...for will be thankful you did.

  3. Not really. It is like a rashguard. It is only used for warm water surfing only. YOu may need a wetsuit to keep you warm.

  4. dude, trust me, suits are worth the cash!!! really!! but you could start with getting a thermal vest, alot cheaper, and works to keep you warm. you get different thicknesses. but id save that money until you can get a suit. way better as it covers your whole body. tight fitting cloths light chafe vest dont keep you warm in my opion. it might be 1 degree better than having nothing on, but again, id save my cash until i could afford a suit. nothing comes close!!!!!

  5. The slick sportsgear are expensive ..................but worth their weight in gold......................something where you could balance your body temperature and the water currents.maybe?


  6. On a couple of occassions I have reverted to a light weight sleveless polyester type vest.  Was helpfull in lessening windchill

    But hey ..... get a proper vest at least.

  7. I am new at surfing too, dude, its worth getting a wet suit. It helps you keep you warm. If you surf during winter without a wet suits it may lead to hypothermia, In some cases, it might save you from a shark bite.

    This web site is great for new surfers

  8. Wet street clothes will do two things for you: weigh you down and increase your chance of hypothermia. If you are really into surfing, somebody on the beach is bound to have on old wet suit that they'll sell you on credit. Just be sure to pay up when you get a job. I just bought a nice spring suit for $40.00, so if you shop around, you can even find an affordable one in a surf shop.

    By the way, what do you call colder water? I see guys all rubbered up in 65 degree water and 70 degree air temperatures. To me, that's just a little excessive. However, do keep in mind that the body looses heat much faster in water than in air.

  9. go to play it again sports or check out craigs list or garage sales thats how real surfers do it just do it any way you can to surf....

    good luck

    lr, Hawaii

  10. Do not wear 'regular' clothing in the water. It will absorb water, get heavy and baggy and keep you colder!

    You didn't say where you are but if you're in some place kinda warm you can get these cool shirts StayDry shirts that are water repellent so they won't stay wet, get baggy and heavy and stretch out, (plus they will provide SPF 150+ UV protection). They're warmer than a traditional rash guard:

    If you're in some place really cold I'd go find a used wetsuit, (be sure to wash it to get the other guy's pee out of it).

    Good luck!

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