I'm torn between having cheesecake cupcakes or the regular cake cupcakes for my wedding. The problem is that I will have to get gluten free cupcakes from a bakery and they have to be toasted and iced before the wedding and they might dry out or when they get cooler they might harden and get crusty. Gluten free bakery items always taste chalky after a few hours. I love cheesecake, but I love the way regular cupcakes look with the swirly icing. I think icing on cheesecake would be too much. With cheesecake cupcakes I could also offer different toppings to the guests (strawberry, cherry, chocolate, etc.). Either way I'll have to do some work whether it's toasting them and icing them (gluten free ones) or actually baking them myself (cheesecake). I don't know what to do......