
Regular lawn mowing selects for short-headed rather than long-headed dandelions because...?

by Guest57670  |  earlier

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a. tall flowers spread their seeds farther

b. tall flowers cannot reproduce

c. short flowers can reproduce

d. short flowers spread their seeds farther

e. short flowers have less competition when the lawn is mowed often




  1. all except a.

    in order of importance;

    b and e (very nearly the same thing), c, d

    actually, there is the cross-fertilisation thing too. if there are no tall flowers, the short genes will predominate.

  2. E. The tall flowers get cut down but the short ones survive reducing their competition. This would also make B true since you can't reproduce when you're dead and C true since you can when you're alive and the only player at the party.  If this is a question assigned by a teacher I'd argue it.

  3. Looks like c to me.  Tall flowers *can* reproduce, if they are not cut before going to seed.  

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