
Regular manicure!? gone a few months ago....but now i want it back?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so for the past 3 years i have been monthly getting my manicure and fills for my nails. I have recently started school and now have a job in the home aid field. and i took my nails off for my job and let them be i am getting the urge to get them done again.. i need your help. i wont be doing my clinicals at school for at least another year or so and my work does not require then to be off they just need to be clean. do you think i should get them done again? i know this is kind of a no brainer but i just cant make up my mind? what do you think?




  1. um ya do it!  Keep them natural and without color...most will more then likely not even notice they are fake!  I love my fakes...i am not sure what i would do without them

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