
Regular or Roll Shot?

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i'm going into 8th grade but am pretty advanced and i was wondering if it is easier to pass a hard regular no spin hit or a medium strength roll shot with lots of topspin?

Thanks in Advance:)




  1. I would say it is easier to take an 8th-grader's "straight-shot", but had I known a player would "always" take a roll shot I would be able to pass it 100%.

    The key is to catch your opponent off guard. If you believe that your "regular" hit is destructive to your opponent, go for it. It has the power to shake your opponent's confidence if you put power in it (and get a "kill"). I have a player who would always refuse to do roll shot as he is a little over confident about his "straight shot".

  2. hard hit w/ no spin. you don't  have to worry about the ball spinning as it goes to the setter. eventually they won't matter once you get a better controll over your recieving.

  3. You can't do just one, the team should be good enough to read it, so you need to switch it up, and do things at random like you should when you are serving. Adding some tipping in also helps

  4. u should try "rool shoot"

  5. Unless you're incorporating a jump serve with the topspin, your best bet is a float serve.  Most decent passers will be able to pass any decent top spin serve, whereas advanced passers at your level would still struggle with a float serve that dances.

    Keep working on the topspin, and test out some jump serves in practice.  Hopefully by high school you'll have developed a good consistent jump serve to shred any defense.

  6. Definitely a roll shot. They are a slower speed and have lots of spin, making it easy to pass and allows you to have more time to react and get to the ball. You may be able to pass it with your hands, which for more people is more consistent. The 'straight shot' is sometimes harder to pass because it has no spin and no momentum. You have to create the pass by shifting your weight into it or j-stroking it. overall, the roll shot is much easier to pass, in my opinion.

    hope i helped!!

  7. roll shots are usually put in hard places to get to, but if you get there in time I think its easier to pass.
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