
Rehabilitation area?!

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ME and my mom live in a city called strongsville, Ohio. And our backyard is 40ft long and 60ft wide i think and we want to make a place for our animals, but we want an animal that is easy to take care of...could ducks be the solution? we also have a fence..please help us find the right animal or turtles? thanks




  1. okay, now I am confused.  Do you want to rehabilitate animals, or own them, or both?  

    rehabilitation and easy to take care of are pretty contradictory,

    but I think you would enjoy chickens, honestly.  Those things don't need a pond or anything, only eat a little feed a day, and unless you get a rooster, are fairly quiet.  Plus you get eggs every day, which is nice.

  2. Do you mean actually rehab? You need a license then. But asside from that huge detail, it's hard to say which animal. I guess from my experience as a rehab intern I would suggest turtles because they're (ahem) hard to kill... We've had turtles brought in almost completely crushed and they still live (althoguh we had to put them down for their own sake). BUT turtles are very hard to keep HAPPY. They need specific environments, temperatures, diet, etc. Am I answering you correctly? Maybe I'm not understanding your question, so I'm sorry
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