
Reiki healing for abandonment and separation issues?

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I have really huge abandonment and separation issue. Just recently, a very dear friend and I separated under very bad circumstances. There had been a row bet her sister and I. The problem's actually much deeper than that. What it is at now, though, is that I feel like I may be losing my friend, not because there had been a rift between us but because of the circumstances surrounding the row between her sister and me. I think she might decide to separate for good with me and I am so scared. My question is actually more to do with healing the fear and the anxiety of the loss. I'm currently undergoing reiki therapy. How effective is it? I still have one more session to go. Although there have been major shifts, I'm still worried as to whether it will work fully in this case. Thank you.




  1. Reiki can help you with this problem your having, but when it comes to deep emotional healing only you can heal yourself. You can use the reiki as a tool to help you to release and heal these feelings. You're on the right path now that you understand that you have those feelings. The next step is to let them go. There are so many ways to do that. One exercise you can do is to speak positively. By saying the things you want out loud it seems to have a healing effect. Instead of saying you don't want to part with your friend, you need to say you want to stay friends. Speak out loud and talk about what you can do to make things better. Only say good things, it will help you gain confidence. Also be honest with others and yourself. And remember not saying something that needs to be said is the same as lying. Good luck and best wishes, we all need emotional healing in our lives.

  2. I'm a Reiki practitioner, it can help you feel better physically. But, it is mainly the placebo effect.  There is no clinical proof of Reiki therapy working for emotional healing (or for physical either!).  Sorry.

    It does, however, offer wonderful relaxation with the warmth of the hands placed on/over the body, the Alpha-brain-wave- inducing music playing, and the quiet time to reflect on the issue in a positive light.  So, in essence... those "major shifts" are you - healing yourself!

    I'd not recommend investing too much into this because it is all in your mind - the thoughts, worries, anxiety.  Since it is coming from your mind, a therapy such as NLP or Hypnotherapy may work more effectively.  And, hypnotherapy is accepted by the American Medical Association (since 1958).  It can help you stop the pattern of thoughts and worry.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I always find it interesting when people who are alternative healing practitioners still think it's just the placebo effect - if that's the case, why on earth would you practice it??

    In any case, Reiki is a really powerful healing method for emotional issues. With any chronic issue however, it will take regular treatments to get the healing breakthrough. (Just like with Western medicine, if you don't stick with a course of treatment until you are healthy, you're only going to get somewhat better or not better at all.)

    To be fair, deep emotional healing is some of the more difficult and painful to heal - because you have to face the pain, process it, and integrate those experiences into yourself become a NEW whole. Reiki can expediate the process of helping those issues surface fully, and can support the process of dealing with them, however it is still up to the recipient to do the hard work. Reiki cannot force someone to heal...on ANY level. It can bring you there and give you what you need to get through the experience, but ultimately it's up to you to embrace the healing and do the work.

    I would stick with the Reiki for awhile longer, making sure to talk to your practitioner about these issues that you want to heal so that s/he can direct the sessions appropriately. There are symbols and techniques that can be used to direct the healing specifically towards mental/emotional healing needs.

    For your part, you will want to journal any thoughts and feelings that arise during treatments and in-between as they pertain to your situation. This can help give you an outlet for your feelings, and also put it out there in a concrete form that you can revisit when you're in a more objective state of mind later on (when you're not experiencing the emotions freshly) - that can help you draw alot of really important connections and get to the root of some issues, and start the healing process.

    You may also want to create some affirmations that you use before, during, &/or after and in between treatments to help you manifest your healing goals. These can be very effective when combined with proactive efforts to move forward in your life. Make sure you tell your practitioner about those affirmations as well, as there are techniques s/he can use to energetically communicate those affirmations deeply into your subconscious mind through the Reiki. That will also help expediate the process greatly.

    Reiki can also help you see the broader situation - ways you can deal with the circumstances facing you now that will help heal it before it takes a turn for the worse.

    So, yes, the Reiki will be very effective in helping you deal with this - however you will have alot of work to do. NOTHING can do the work for you...not a therapist, not Reiki, not a medical doctor, not an acupuncturist, etc.

    I've been an Usui Reiki Master since 2001 and I've seen alot of very powerful healing in both myself and my clients and students. It will work, if you're ready for it to.

    Best of luck!

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