Question: this effect normal?

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hi, i have been interested in reiki for a while now, so i went on a website and they were doing distant attunements for free, naturally, i applied and an email said it would be done within 24 2 days on, i can feel a constant burning sensation on my cranium, its not too hot but very noticeable.

i would like to know if this is a known side effect or if it is something completely different. thankyou for your time.




  1. I never had burning either, I am a RMT as well!  

    what is the website???

  2. I'm probably going to upset everyone with my answer, but I'll try to give the most accurate one, here goes!

    There are lots and lots of systems for working with and affecting the bodies energy.  Reiki is one of the simplest and least effective.  This is mostly because the people who do it are never taught specific mechanics over how the bodies energy works and just are told to visualize positive thoughts.  As a result, problems like what you're describing pop up quite often but the Reiki community has no idea what to do about it.

    In the tradition I came from (Taoist/Chinese energy arts), it's pretty clear what happened to you.  There energy was forced too hard into your head by the guy that did the reiki attunement,(and there may have been "bad energy attached to it, since Reiki ppl often soak that up from their patients) and some of the energy in your head became blocked along with something becoming over activated.

    There are a few ways to deal with it.  Most likely, it will fade away within a week and not bother you again.

    If that does not happen, the following will happen.

    A) Raise your occiput (bump on the back of the head) and then let it sink into your head.  This is really easy for me to do, but a bit difficult to describe the technique for in writing.  The most important thing is to do it genently and slowly without feeling like it's being forced.

    B) Go learn a Chi Gung (QiGong/ChiKung) exercise that is good for releasing stuck energy in the head.  Lots of people chose Tai Chi, but I'm a big fan of opening the energy gates which as a pretty good book written on it.

    Hope that helps!

  3. My whole family (except for me ) all are Reiki masters.

    None of them had a burning sensation anywhere.

  4. You reiki people are all freaks. Go to medical school and learn something worth while.

  5. Sometimes Reiki and Reiki attunements come with a feeling of heat. If the feeling is all in your head, chances are you did not receive any instruction before this attunement as to how to ground your energy.

    While the idea of making attunements available freely is an idea that sounds nice, this is why I am opposed to offering this to anyone who has not at least a proper and thorough Usui level 1 training from a live and practicing Reiki Master.

    Ok, let's see if I can walk you through this by e-mail....

    You will want to take some time and sit in a place that feels peaceful for you. Relax each part of your body from your head working doen to your feet. Then imagine that you are growing roots from the base of your spine and your feet that reach into the earth. Through those roots you can release anything that is not serving your highest good into the earth to become fertilizer. You can also draw up healing energy from the earth. You can imagine that you have branches growing out through your head and reaching for the heavens, the leaves on those branches can release what does not serve you into the heavens to become pure air and you can draw in heavenly energies like leaves draw in sunlight.

    Feel this energy that comes up from the earth and down from the heavens as healing love and allow these energies to pass up and down through your spine. Imagine some of this energy flow pooling in your heart and swirling around, mixing up and overflowing out your arms and hands as healing energy to be given as needed and desired.

    This is one possible to ground and manage your energy flow. As you do this feel the energy that is burning in your head and see if you can get it to flow through your entire body, up and down your spine and out your hands this way.

    You will want to do some form of energy grounding and management meditation or visualization before each healing session. This helps to allow the healing energy to flow through you on the way to healing the recipient of the session. It will help open the flow of energy, keep you from taking in the pain and trouble of whomever you serve and it should help you to ease the burning in your head and turn it into something useful.

    Adding on in response to the Chinese energy specialist. Chinese medicine and Chi Gung are great and the solutions offered by this person are probably valid. However, Reiki practitioners, of properly trained, do not pick up negative energy from clients. If you are trained properly and doing it in the way you were trained you can not and will not pick up bad energy. If you are picking up bad energy, then you are not really doing Reiki.

    If you are properly trained then you also have at least a basic fundation of how energy works and at least basic energy anatomy. Of course our knowledge of energy anatomy is not as extensive at that of an accupuncturist who needs to be able to precisely locate every tiny point in the body, but you should be given a working knowledge.

    A professional healer should also be constantly studying to better and better serve his/her clients and to continue professional development as well.

    I do admit, unfortunately, that there are many people practicing Reiki who have never been properly trained and worse, passing attunements and teaching others without ever being properly trained themselves and without reading some of the many books available on Reiki before teaching someone just to make sure they are covering all the bases.

    Reiki is a beautiful thing. It works and most of us are well trained but there are some who are not. As in any profession, interview the person you are considering before becomming their client or student. If you are dissatisfied with one, find another.

    I have had medical doctors mis-diagnose me in very serious ways on two occasions. I got a second opinion. Had I not done this and listened to the doctors, I would have had major surgery in one case and unnecessary chemotherapy in another.

    Doctors are not all perfect and neither are Reiki practitioners, do your homework. Pick and choose.

  6. I think you'll appreciate this little story about my own Reiki attunement...

    I was lucky enough to meet one of the most powerful Reiki Masters in Britain.  I thought Reiki was supposed to be subtle but over dinner, she channelled Reiki through my arm.  The sensation was extraordinary.  It reminded me of being on LSD but much clearer and 100% healthy.  I could actually feel one of my negative emotions melting away never to return.

    Sooner or later I wanted my own attunement.  She was going through some stuff of her own and suggested I try Martin Lee.  I was disappointed but did so.  She confirmed that it had worked and then she told me off for not preparing adequately... ;)

    One of the things attunement does is clear the channels through which Reiki will flow through you.  Frequently, our own issues will block these channels and consequently the Reiki energy and attunement will try to clear them.

    Possibly more than at any other time in your life, you need to meditate.  You should also practice Reiki on yourself.

    The day after my attunement, I spent something like close to an hour just channelling Reiki energy into my own body.  I had very quickly hit a intense degree of bliss and it was quite addictive... :D

  7. I would say first of all that distance attunements are dumb and dangerous. I've given hundreds of attunements in person, and I would never do it distantly, because I need to have my hands physically in their aura to know that I'm doing it correctly and that my energies are affecting theirs the right way. So first of all, scream at this quack, tell them it went badly, and give them a bunch of grief - maybe they will stop. Then look around your town for someone to do a REAL attunement in person. Try - it will ask for your zipcode and give you any meetup groups in your area. If you're in the Seattle area, I'd be willing to help you, just shoot me an email. Properly done, a Reiki attunement should not cause constant burning sensations.

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