
Reiki question?

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Two parts

Did the man who first got the vision transmition, go back and tell those christian school boys he could do it?

Is the healing energy like chi?




  1. 1. They must have know as he bacame so popular with this spl ability and special powers.

    2. Yes , it's life force energy, Cosmic energy, Chi , these are all the same.

    With love and light..

  2. Hi, lookaround!

    I got into Reiki about 6 years ago when a friend recommended a session with her practitioner for my thyroid problems.  It was such an amazing experience and made a great improvement on my hormonal health that I decided to learn it myself and become a practitioner.

    Reiki (pronounced ray kee) means “universal life energy”.  The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words: Rei, or universal spirit (sometimes thought of as a supreme being), and ki (energy or chi).   Thus, the word Reiki eans "universal life energy."  It is an ancient system of subtle energy-based healing transmitted through touch and distant healing techniques to provide recipients pain relief, relaxation, chakra balancing, stress relief, physical healing, emotional healing, and a deepened awareness to one’s spiritual connection.

    You can read more about Reiki here:

  3. The original story of Reiki that was told throughout the Mainland US  was that Usui was Christian. This was a myth that helped the culture that it was being presented to understand what Reiki Was.  

    I lived in Japan in 1968 and 69 and in Hawaii for 12 plus years until 1981. I took my Reiki classes in San Antonio and the original story of Usui haunted me because I knew the cultural beliefs and had traveled to many of the temples. Kuriyama is where many of the large buddist temples are located. In the tour we were told that this particular area was where the Shoguns tried to outdo each other and impress the Emperor for statis reasons.

    Usui being Christian was really not a possibility. He was not a monk either.. he was married and had kids.   At the time of the legend, there was a Historical problem in India/China with what was identified as the Boxer rebellion and the religions that were causing this problem suffered great distress. In order to prevent problems in Japan the emperor banned all new religions and all foreign trade with countries except at Nagasaki. The main religion in Japan was Buddist and Shinto (old indigious tribal beliefs like Native American) they were the only ones accepted. Actually Usui was Buddist, however his family was of the old Samurai and were into martial arts.  

    YES working with Chi/Ki/Qi is working with Rei KI.  Which translated directly means Spirit Energy. A Japanese person might be afraid of the name because it also means Ghost energy.  However the concept is that The Yang is the fighting energy the Yin is the healing energy.  Remember Karate Kid with Master Miyagi doing wax on and wax off.. Same concept.

  4. I don't know the answer to the first one, but since in the story he opened his own school, then I would say yes. The second answer is yes. Chi is actually know as "the vital life force" and when doing reiki that is what you're working with, but they say energy because chi is usually referred when speaking about Shiatsu, or Fung shei, and things that are eastern like that. I hope that helps!

  5. The Reiki story where Dr. Usui is a Christian seminary teacher is a parable, and is not historical fact. The story as it was transmitted to Western students was "Christianized" to make it more palatable to Western students who were all much more oriented to the Judeo-Christian culture, and who at the time were still suspicious of things from non-Judaic cultures. So Takata told the story presenting Usui as a Christian firstly.

    Alot of historical research has now been done on Reiki, and Dr. Usui never had any connection any Christian establishments or schools. He was a Buddhist from beginning to end.

    A version of the story that arose from the research showed that Dr. Usui had been a student of Chi Kung for a better part of his life. In Chi Kung one learned how to heal other people using the energy that was built up during advanced Chi Kung techniques, but it required the healer to build up their own store of energy, and then empty that into the recipient. This was undesireable to do very often for obvious reasons. So Usui went looking for a healing method that wouldn't deplete the healers own energies - and that is when he began the quest that led to his discovery of what became the Reiki system.

    The Reiki energy is like chi, ki, prana, ruach, or any of the other terms that various cultures have named the Life Energy. So in Reiki you are bring through larger amounts of this energy than your body would naturally use, so you can provide healing to the person/place/animal/plant/planet/etc that you are directing it towards.

  6. I will answer the second part...Yes, reiki healing energy is just like chi....they're both mythical

  7. The healing energy is chi or Ki and Dr. Usui did go back to his monestary and begin offering healing to others and teaching others how to use the Reiki to heal. There is some debate over whether or not it was a christian monestary as the story told in the west would have it. There is a greater likelihood that he was teaching in a buddhist monestary, based on where and when the story took place.
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