
(Reincarnation) What is it you feel and you wonder about from your past life?

by  |  earlier

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Do you wish to share anything of thought....or memory.

You do have memory stored within your spirit, or you can ask or be giving memory from your spirit guide since he or she was there with you.

I do remember a special love that I once had, that I haven't felt in this life time, only when she comes to visit, as she awaits for my return to the other side.....How about you, do you have some memories.




  1. I grew up in New Jersey. Our town & area wasn’t developed then as it is today. We played in the woods, field & even went swimming in the brook down the road.

    Though I grew up in a happy home, if I got into trouble, I would say, “I’m running away from home. I’m going to New Mexico.  At that age, I had never been to New Mexico, nor knew anything about that state. That saying became my saying through out most of my life.

    In the early 1990’s, my husband and I went on a cross country vacation. As we toured New Mexico, we landed up in Aztec. We saw on the map, that there was a Native American ruin village.

    They had reconstructed the Big Kiva there. As I entered the Kiva with my husband, I became so overwhelmed, as if I belonged there, that my soul came home, I was also totally surround by love. Love in its most natural form.

    I felt as though as I belonged there. Those feelings were so deep with in. I took a picture of my husband and he took one of me. When we developed the pictures, his came out normal, my picture how ever was not.

    If you look closely, you will see that my arms are straight at my side, there are spirit hands holding onto me, right below my knees. As if they didn’t want me to leave.

    With the feeling from deep with in my soul of love & welcome, did I return home? Does this picture show family or friends from a former life greeting me? As if the picture was not enough for me, I stilled questioned it.

  2. I have always had a strong interest in history and in exploring questions such as why there is war and why there is injustice.   I suspect this is because of experiences before this life.

  3. I am transgendered and I wonder if there is any traces of my gender in me now, that didn't get wiped clean during transmigration...

  4. You can't remember your past lives if ever you had any.

    Memory cells are stored in the brain, the body dies, the brain dies and vice-versa.

    If your hipothetical soul in form of energy leaves your body, it can't take any memories with it because the memory is stored in the brain.

    Sorry... what you feel might be something from your subconscious.

  5. A "reputable" regression therapist?

    How is that remotely possible?

    Those people are no different than your local corner palm reader.

    The "memories" are subliminal messages given to you by the therapist while in REM mode.

    But hey, it's your money.

    If you want to believe in all that, that's your choice.

    But your longing to find the love of your life is no different than anyone else that feels lonely, and that no one understands them.

  6. I believe there is neither evidence nor reason (beyond wishful thinking) to support the idea of reincarnation.

    Are the idea of ghosts and the idea of reincarnation mutually exclusive?  I mean, either we die and go into a new body or we die and roam the Earth, right?

  7. When I was approx. 5 years old, I told my parents that I was a cowboy and had lived in NYC, and had a friend who I called a specific name.

    When my stepdad told me that we were going to NYC, I burst into hysterics.  I can remember being full of dread at the thought of "going" to NYC.  

    I believe in reincarnation fully, even tho' my church does not.

    I believe that I had either been a cowboy who had gone to the city for some reason, and had been killed, OR had been a child in a cowboys care and had been mistreated or murdered for some reason.

    I will be seeing a regressionist soon to examine this and other episodes in my young life.

  8. I defintely agree with you ... i look at somethings like people, but they look sooo familiar... i feel like i've seen them in a dream. I feel like i know something i just can't remember...

  9. I was told my daughter and I were sisters in previous life. I was the oldest, and I was always putting her in trouble. I accepted to come back as her mother, and this time, I do everything I can to keep her out of trouble... and she has been giving me a hard time, believe me!

    I have the feeling I was murdered in my previous life, because I have a lot of phobias, and fears. I don't trust people very easily either. I think someone I trusted killed me. I've never been betrayed, however the thought of being betrayed gives me a familiar emotion. I've been very jealous and insecure because of that, and the weird thing is that I haven't had any situation in this life that could have given me any trauma. I am pretty sure it comes from past life. I had the chance to do regression, but I refused to do it, because I was afraid of finding out about it.


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