
Reinstalling XP OS on my computer?

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Can anyone tell me IF there is a way to reinstall my Windows XP OS without deleting my Vista OS...on my Acer Aspire 4920...and also does not need to go into computer to be done





  1. The person above is correct.  You would want to set up a dual boot (if you have the XP CD to do it.  If the system came with XP (no disks) and you have the Vista OS disk (full version).  

    Go to Microsoft's website and it will tell you which to install first (if you don't plan to put them on separate partitions--which is what is recommended)


    So are you wanting to completely remove Vista from the system and only have XP installed?

    Do you have the CD's for either OS?  

    --If Vista came on the system--But you want XP you will need an XP CD .

  2. Though your questions isn't specific I am wondering if your asking how to have both Vista and XP on your computer. To do so you will have to shink your Vista partition so that you can install the XP OS.

    This can be done from the

    Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Disk Management -> (right click drive of choise) shrink Volume. Then enter how much you want to shrink your drive by. Once that is done. Initiate the XP installation from your computer startup and install the XP OS on the new partition.

    Do not install over Vista partition as that will erase your Vista OS.

    This link provides a little more information on how to get your system to dual boot.

    Hope this helps. Otherwise clarify the question and I'll try to help again.

  3. hey there is no other way to install xp without deleting vista.but one thing i can refer to u that u can install any operating system on ur PC by using vmware workstation.

    by this u can install os like it may be any MAC and any windows os.There  is no need if order that first u need XP then any other....

  4. I had the same problem. What I did was bought another hard drive and installed xp on it. I transferred all of my important files on it then I just put the one with vista on it in a safe place. You can get one for like 50-100$

    That's the safest way as to not corrupt the vista you already have.

    If you have the vista DISK (the installation disk) then its a different story. Just wipe out your hard drive (after salvaging important files) and install XP. If you want vista again just do it again but install vista. Easy.

    Hope this helps

  5. Do you mean without logging into vista? You are going to need to dual boot, depending on how you do it, but usually you can do it from the BIOS or if you boot from the Xp setup disk. I know of a great resource that will walk you through the process.

  6. well not rly im not sure that you can have 2 os on one hard drive.. but there are a few windows that you should look into... windows essential xp sp2 is what i use it is similar to vista and xp but all the crappy stuff from each is gone.. also windows back xp sp2.... they are both homeade.. .so they dont come with all the annoyin addons that no one wants..... also due to them not being sold in store.... you will have to download them i have essentials already dl if you would like it let me know  

  7. Read and follow this very detailed guide and you can do it.

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