
Reistance 2 has two different campaigns? I don't mean online campaign mode either.

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Someone said that it was 2 campaigns??




  1. Resistance 2. Now, be forewarned, if you do not wish to know the opening story of Resistance 2 *stop reading here!* Otherwise, continue at your own risk...Ready? Here goes. Once again, we take control of Nathan Hale, the officer who seems to be impervious to the Chimera virus. We are taken to Iceland by a Black Ops aircraft where the Special Project Research Administration (SPRA) base resides. Here at this base, we discover that Hale isn't the only one who is immune to the Chimera virus. The SPRA have gathered these invulnerables to form a force called The Sentinels. The SPRA base is found by the Chimera and attacked. The Sentinels fight off the attack, and escape to the United States.

       Two years have passed since the Chimeran invasion of Great Britain, and The Sentinels are training in the United States. But now it's time for yet another Chimeran conquest: the United States. Attacking from both the East Coast and West Coast, The Sentinels will fight off the Chimera across a variety of American states, and we believe New York to be one of them.

       The game will boast two campaigns, one of which is the main story campaign, and the other being a fully co-operative story campaign mode that'll support two players offline and eight players online! The Co-op gameplay will feature a focus on commanding your squad, to make the experience more involving. Furthermore, areas will be randomized for certain stages when playing Co-op campaign, but we're not sure how.

       Each Sentinel in your squad possesses a different class, so they'll all tout their unique abilities. The examples of classes are Heavy Weapons, Special Ops, and Medic. The Heavy classed fighters are equipped with enormous and heavy weapons, such as a shoulder mounted minigun/chain gun. These fighters are capable of taking out multiple opponents in a swoop. The Special Ops guys are experts in precision targeting, with heavily update versions of the Bullseye gun that boasts a scope and fierce strength. The Medic class should be rather self-explanatory, these guys shoot special types of bullets that weaken an enemy, and also shoot bullets that'll heal a partner. :) ava

  2. There's a separate campaign for 8 people in addition to the main one. I figure (since it's 8), that it will be online only, but I'm not sure.

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