
Rejecting Other People? Girls answer?

by  |  earlier

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Just a quick question to all the girls how often do you reject boys, like compared to actually dating them or giving them a chance, cause a friend told me that a girl rejects about 3/4 of all the men who will ask them out. is this true?




  1. well it depends on what type of girl it is.

    but i wouldn't reject that many, then again i'm going out with someone right now, so i wouldn't say yes to anyone

    i reckon 1/3 of the guys who asked me out i would reject

  2. I'd say a girl who is super social and goes out to parties / clubs / etc is gonna be rejecting a lot more than 3/4.

    By the way, don't be **MEAN** to guys. You don't have to be mean to say no, but some girls find this the best way to do it (even though it's not).

    Don't really know why you are asking this question tho lol.

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