
Rejoin marching band or cross country???

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ok so this year i did marching band and really enjoyed it but then i did winter track and just really enjoyed the girls and the coach. i like off track workouts instead of track workouts which is why im thinking about cross country. my really good friend that did track with me though is moving so i dont know if cross country would really be that fun without her. also i pulled a muscle this spring so someone brought up the point that if i reinjure it i wont be able to do cross country or marching band. but at the same time i could do cc(cross country) and take band as a class. and im kinda dreading the band camp with kinda makes me want to do cc. what do you think?!??!




  1. im partial to cross country myself, but like you, i am also very into music, but id still say go with cc because you can take band class instead and cc will keep you in good shape. dont base any decisions on one is all about making friends, you'll have plenty im sure! good luck!

  2. sounds to me like you'd like to do cross country more. the injury in my opinion make the risk more funn. theres always a risk on one hand and wants on the other. let go have funn, join cross country, you will make new friends that will be so close they are almost family. that and most guys take off their shirts when they run so its all good. =P

  3. cross country

  4. cross country is funner that track. Youll love it, and I guess is that you didnt pull a muscle, but merely strained it, and with proper warmup and stretching you wont have to worry about that anymore

  5. I think that cross country is worth it. If you were really into that running, you'd be happy just getting on the dirt trail. Plus, it keeps you fit and healthy.

    You can still take band as a class.

  6. Cross Country very fun my team (from a small town) would run over peoples cars at stop lights and crazy fun stuff like that.  long runs through the countryside.  we also when on a trip to Colorado and ran through the forest up in the mountains for high altitude training hard but fun.  good luck with either choice you make.

  7. OMG   you have a brain, use it.  Which one do you like more, case solved.

  8. well to me it sounds like you like cross country more, so do what you like best :)

  9. i prefer to run, but if u like band more u might be able to find time to run on your own time

  10. ur asking runners if you should do cross country kind of obvious you want people to tell you to do cross country

  11. marching band isnt nearly as much of a workout as cross country is. however, if you are into music, and the patterns used in marching band, go band.

    EXERCISE + Friendship = Cross Country

    Fun + Music = marching band

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