
Relating to Periods .......?

by  |  earlier

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I am sorry to ask one question on peiods as it is relationg to women, but i wanted to know that !

1) What is period ? 2) From which age it is started ? 3) How women knows about it as they got periods?




  1. Hope u r young. Don't worry when u become teenager u will definitely come to know abt this. There is only one person to whom u should ask is ur dear mother. She will make u understand and feel u comfortable. Good luck.

  2. You are way to young buddy! Go ask your mom, she'll tell you all about it.

  3. obviously you're young, you need to talk to your parents not the people on yahoo!

  4. Dont worry abt that ......... carry on!

    u will come to know ............ in future!

  5. You must be a disappointed guy (most probably) bcz., none above gavve the answer you r looking for and you must be a guy and a girl of yr. age in India, may not be interested to go to net to ask thia question.

    But, still, I believe that you mus tknow the fact.  The reproduction system of the female is inactive inside the women's body.  The first time it becomes active is called the beginning of the periods or mensus. Generally it would be at the age of 12 or 13,  after which she becomes capable of producing children.  The reproductive system of a female consist of Ovaries (2) Felolpian tubes, Uterus and other internal organs of the body.  The Ovaries produce ova that travels to Felopian tubes where it awaits a male egg (which is transmitted to the female womb by a female on having s*x with her).  If the female egg (ova) meets with a male egg an embryo is formed (the smallest of a child in the womb) and gets settled in the women's uterus and the women is said to be perganent or conceived.  In cases where the women's egg does nto meet a male sperm (egg) it dies and the dead particles of the ova is cleaned by little bit of blood secreted from her Uterus and is cleaned out of her body through her womb.  It takes about 3-4 days and in some cases 6-7 days for these blood to clean the dead parts of the ova.  This period is called period as asked by you.  The women gets pain some get pain that would have made her screem had they been in their private room, in her abdomen before the secretion of these blood by the Uterus as the Uterus contracts to release the blood and sends it out.  It is a really a tough period for the women especially working women. (Try to know more about the reproductive system of a women from wikipedia to make you more matured on this topic.

    Hence, my dear boy, all women you meet in your life are facing this uncomfortable situation.  Just imagine the plight of that women who would have to use the toilet for chaiging her pads but unable to do that because she is working in her construction site, because she is working in the counter of a railway station, a women working in the counter of a bank, Post Offices, a police women on the roads, your friends who would be studying in your class room, a co-passanger in the bus undergoing abdominal pain but also could not get seat in the bus, a women begger inthe street with no private sanitary facilities, A women occupying high offices and in a meeting wherefrom she can not move just like that, a women politician who is addressing a gathering of public and is in the company of maby male counterparts.

    So my dear boy, if you happen to visit these public places and found those women service providers in the banks, post offices, railway stations, absent from the seat, do not get irritated, because they can not go and tell every customer of a bank, post office or railway station about what they counter and why should they need to leave their seat.

    All the best.  

  6. LOLZZZ!! u have got great answers in here.

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