
Relation between magnet and conductors? =S?

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can u plz give me a simple explenation ?




  1. passing a conductor thru a magnetic field induces a voltage (produces energy) in the conductor

  2. Do you mean between magnets and electrical conductors?

    If so, in what context? Your question is very vague.

    I will proceed under the assumption that you are talking about electrical conductors and you are wanting to know about the relationship between current, magnetism and force.

    In any electrical conductor in which a current is flowing, a magnetic field will be created at right angles to the current flow. In a wire (because it is a very thin, elongated cylinder), the magnetic field will flow in a circle and will become weaker the further away you get from the wire (the field strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance). The direction of the field can be found using a technique known as the Right Hand Rule. This consists of pointing the thumb of your right hand in the direction of the current flow. The way that the rest of your fingers curl is the direction of the magnetic field. This diagram may help you to visualise this:

    If a conductor with a current flowing through it (such as a wire) is placed inside a magnetic field, a force will act on the conductor at right angles to both the electron flow and the magnetic filed. The magnitude of this force can be calculated by the formula:

    F = BIL


    F = Force on the conductor (in Newtons)

    B = Strength of the magnetic field (in Teslas)

    I = Current in the conductor (in Amperes)

    L = Length of the conductor in the magnetic field (in metres)

    The direction of the force can be determined by using a variation of the Right Hand Rule mentioned above (confusingly, known by the same name). It's difficult to describe this so I will just link you a picture:

    The thumb is the direction of the current

    The index finger is the direction of the magnetic field

    The middle finger is the direction of the force

    So, if you want to increase the force on the conductor, you can either increase the magnetic field (i.e. use bigger magnets or move them closer together), increase the current flow (i.e. increase the EMF or reduce the resistance in the circuit), or you can increase the length of the wire that intersects with the magnetic field. This is what is usually used. The easiest way to do this is to coil the wire. Each coil acts as a separate conductor and the forces all add together to create one large force. This is how electric motors work.

    Of course, the opposite is also true. If you move a conductor through a magnetic field, it will induce a current in the conductor. All the same formulas apply except that the directions are opposite. This is how a generator works. You can find the directions by using the same trick with your hand except you use your left hand instead (not surprisingly, this is known as the Left Hand Rule)

    That's pretty much it from a broad perspective. Without more information about what exactly you are after, this is all I can really tell you. If you are after something specific, please edit your question. I'll check back later.

    Hope this helps.


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