
Relation question...?

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I am confused about a part of my family tree and I was hoping you could help. This is the 1930 Census (names and relations)

Albert Cole - Head

Sue Cole - wife

Amanda Cole- daughter

Matthew Stuart - nephew

Sally Clark - mother in law

OK, so Sally Clark is Sue's mother. I found the marrage record for Albert and Sue and Sue's maiden name was Stuart. So Sally must have gotten married after Sue was born, and perhaps she was married to a Stuart and then to a Clark? And how can Matthew fit in to everything. Amanda always thought that he was her brother, but according to the census, he was her cousin. And Matthew changed his last name to Cole before he joined the Army at the age of 18.

Can you figure out who Matthew's parents are? In his orbit, it says that Albert and Sue are his parents....perhaps they adopted him? Could he be Sue's brother's son?




  1. I think all that you have written looks correct.  Or, at least, is one scenario.

    .....Matthew - - If he was adopted by Albert and Sue then Amanda would be correct - - he would be her adopted brother (not "brother by birth").

    .....Who are Matthew's birth parents?  It looks like you do not have enough information.  Since Matthew is listed as "nephew" (to Albert Cole, we assume) and has the same last name as Sue's maiden name - -   I would say - - He could be Sue's son (if she was not married when he was born).  He could be Sue's brother's son (hence the last name of Stuart).  Or he could be Sue's sister's son (if she was not married when he was born).  

    Good Luck.  It looks like fun.


  2. > Can you figure out who Matthew's parents are?

    Not from that entry. I'd bet 3:1 that your deduction is correct - he is the son of Sue's brother, Mr. Stuart, but he could be

    1) Son of Albert's sister. (Stuart is not Smith, but it is common)

    2) Sue's love child from before she married. (She goes away on a long trip, when she comes back her family just happens to adopt her "nephew", a poor orphan.)

    3) Sue's sister's love child.

    4) Albert and Sue's child from before they were married.

    5) None of the above.

    It is very possible that Albert and Sue adopted him. The adoption may have been formal, with a court, or may not.

    He may have changed his name out of love and respect for the man who raised him (that's my bet, 3:1, again), or because at 18 his parents said "Ummm  - there is something you should know . . ."

  3. I think I may have worked it out.

    Matthew was born before Albert and Sue married so was registered in his mothers name or Stuart

    Amanda was registered in her fathers name of Cole.

    When the census was taken, the enumerator wrote nephew as he probably was not allowed to put son for someone with a different surname.

    Matthew changed his name to Cole either by choice or because his father adopted him to enable him to take his fathers name.

    This could be proved or disproved by getting a copy of Matthews birth certificate.

  4. Yes, it seems logical that Matthew was Sue's brother's son. The Coles may have adopted him because he was orphaned.
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