
Relationship Advice. Should i cut and run?

by  |  earlier

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There is this girl who ive been seeing for 2 months. We pick up every time we see each other and her friends say that she really likes me. She says she likes me. But ive asked her out twice (at good times) and she says "maybe" or "i don't know"...

Should i cut my losses? She is only just 18 and im 21 so i don't know if she nervous on that level or not. Advice?




  1. Bro, tell her to p**s off. There's plenty of chicks out there that would be WILLING to hang with you, not "maybe or I don't know" c**p.

    Kick her to the curb, STAT!

  2. If she's a good girl and you are three years older then she is, she should be expected to be uncertain and take her time before she goes any further. Good girls always react slowly even if they like you a lot.

  3. just ask her stright does she want to date you/be your girlfriend or not, because you like her and want to know where you stand, if she says i dont know or maybe, say thats not good enough, and walk away, because if she cant give you a stright answer after that she's not worth your time, but you never know she may just be nervous about relationships, so ask her!

  4. Ask one of her friends out in front of her, and see what happens.

    She'll get the picture that you're not going to wait for her forever.

    If she realy likes you and wants to date you.

    She'll make a move for sure!


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