
Relationship..Ex and kids? What to do?

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I need help from people that have gone throu this...having problems with my Ex sicnce 5 yrs ago,she doesnt let me see my kids,its been around 4 and some months since iv seen them,my kids! We have are problems,im not gonna say its her fault or mine,but its somebodys but im not here tpo say whose fault it is,probably mine! I need help,i send money to them or her cause she probably gets it before they do,and on B-days i send gifts and i send xcash when ever i hear from my friends or family memebers that they wanna get something for them selves! I dont forget B-days or Holidays since i havent seen them for 4 yrs,but the part i dont know if they know if she tells them that i send things and money! Should i try and write letters and keep them till they get bigger,(9 and 10 yrs old) so they can see that iv always tryed to see them but her mother wont let me,tryed to make contact! What would u guys do,and about going to court,dont wanna go throu all that mess! Has anybody gone throu this?




  1. dude!  Your kids aren't worth the time/money of going to court?  Theres' got to be more to this than you're saying here.  Court is nt a big deal with something like this - it's a  no brainer - there is no court that would deny visitation!!!  Your kids need you!!  Get to work on that!!!

  2. Very simple, man. No excuses, the only way is to go to court. Nothing else to be said; if you really care about your kids: take your case to the court. Come on, you are old enough ( with kids 9 and 10 ) you know better than this. No matter the reason you and your ex are not together; whoever fault it was, the children have nothing to do with it. The court will see that not only you need to see them, but they need to have you in their lives. Good luck.

  3. court does seem the best option

    you seem to be a decent guy who deserves to see his kids,

    i think you have to take it to court

    the letters are a good idea, but it would mean waiting too long to see them

    and you need to see them to show them you've tried so your back to square 1 really

    good luck

  4. Been there done that...i know you dont wanna go to court but it sounds like that is going to be the only way to fix it ....or you can go on not seeing ur kids till they are 18

  5. Do you have a custody/visitation order in place?  If not, you need to hire an attorney and take her to court so that there will be a court order to protect your parental rights to see your children.  If there is already a court order that grants you visitation and she isn't complying, you need to contact the family services court where the order is on file.  Explain that she is not in compliance and that you want to file a contempt charge.  Make sure that you document each and every attempt you make to speak with or see your children and what her response is.  Check to see if it's legal in your state first and, if it is, record telephone conversations with her. That will give you additional proof of her denial of visitation.  All of this evidence will help your case tremendously.  If she is refusing to work with you and permit you to see your children then you need to invoke the legal system to do what they're there for.  If you really want to see your children, you will do this.

  6. there is no way in h**l that I would go 4 years let alone 4 days without seeing my children....

  7. you continue to communication with your child..file a motion in order to enforce your visitations rights

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