
Relationship Problem, Need Advise!!?

by  |  earlier

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So here is my problem, I've been in a relationship with my fiance for almost 2 years, we both work full-time, to me lately it seems like things have started to fall apart and I don't have a clue as to why. our s*x life is gone, even when I try to cuddle with him when we go to bed he tells me i'm suffocating him by just putting my head on his chest, he complains when I try to kiss him. I don't know what to think, he's even started getting very emotionally abusive, or what I would call emotional abuse, calling me a names for no reason, he starts yelling at night and arguing right when we go to bed, and it's just getting worse and worse, the things is says is getting more and more hurtful.

I love him very much and want to work this out, but all he can do is complain and fight, he says I'm lazy, this whole relationship has been nothing but torture to him, but yet, I'm the one who gets up the earliest makes sure he's up, makes him breakfast and lunch, I work, and when I'm not working I'm cleaning our apartment and take care of our pets, yet he lays around and sleeps when he's not working.

What do I do ?




  1. Ditch him. You dont wanna get married to this guy do ya?

    Ok, maybe im being a tad harsh. You might wanna talk to him instead of trying to find answers on here. From people like me !! hehe::P

  2. it seems that there is something in his mind, and he needs to talk, try to talk with him and understand what is going on? maybe there is someone else in his life, maybe he feels that u r not the (one), or he is afraid of commitment, talking in open mind is the only way.

  3. oh dont need a guy like that. What he really is showing you already is that he doesnt care. By what your saying im kinda gettin the idea he doesnt love you. This sounds very bad i know and yes you might love him but no girl deserves that!....But if you think he might change then you can talk to him and see how he takes it. If you notice that he is gettin mad and you havent even gotten to the point, just stop talking about that and tell him your gonna leave him if he doesnt start putting some effort into the relationship.

    If he is like this and youre not even married yet imagine how its gonna get when ever your officially together!...I know im no one to tell you what to do but i sure know that im not the only one thinking this..

    good luck with him and hope that you make the right descision thats best for you!!!

  4. Talk to him and ask him what is going on? Tell him you that thing's have changed between the two of you and you like to have some answers before you both end up getting married then end in divorce. That's not what you want is it?

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