
Relationship between prokaryotes and global warming???

by Guest59205  |  earlier

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How can prokaryotes help prevent or minimize global warming created by human activities in the last several decades?

Can anybody give some insight because I am having trouble with how this works??




  1. Photosynthetics as a whole can be used to transform sea water, sun,  and air into a fuel, a bio-fuel that we can use to replace coal or diesel.

    In theory we can use our ocean surfaces to provide us with fuel just as readily as we could use the limited farmland of Kansas.

    While prokaryotes are a part of this process, it is just those that convert CO2 + water into fuel that we are interested for this reason. And it is not just prokaryotes. Many floating plants are equally useful.

  2. Prokaryotes are very small cells that have no membrane around their nucleus nor any organelles. Prokaryotes include bacteria. They are the simplest organisms on Earth, and also the commonest. Every part of your skin is smothered in them. Their spores fill the air we breathe. Every glass of water we drink, even good clean drinking water, contains millions of them. On the outside they have a strong cell wall. Beneath this is a membrane which will allow oily molecules to pass but prevents electrically charged molecules, and free protons and electrons, from passing through. Beneath this is a watery space full of molecules and ribosomes, messenger nucleic acids and all the other things needed to keep life going, all mixed up in a mostly chaotic way. There are some organelles within the cell, which function as storage compartments, but these do not have a membrane surrounding them as they do in eukaryotes. Instead they are surrounded by a protein coat. The following website shows the details about prokaryotes.

    It is an advanced topic to relate to global warming matter.

    I think the best effort is trying to do the basic of Reduction, Reuse, and Recycle in our daily life.

    I think there is an article published in the Oriental Daily News on September 2, 2008 (to day) regarding how a farmer applied the cow s***s and trash to generate energy by means of "fermentation process" and created sort of poisonous gas but it can use for cooking and light up the light bulbs (gas type). Hong Kong is too crowded a city to do the suggested environmental control ideas. I think the use of other fuels to replace the coal-fired generating stations, prohibiting the use of bunker fuel for ferry boats and diesel truck is the basaic needs to improve the Hong Kong polluted environment.

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