
Relationship between sociology and anthropology?

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Relationship between sociology and anthropology?




  1. I would almost consider sociology "part of " Anthropology, though they are two different disciplines academically and professionally speaking. Sociologists will often use data collected and put together by Anthropologists to aid with their research. Sociology is strictly the here and now of people and cultures, whereas Anthropology is the past and present.

    (oh and don't go to Wheaton College - they don't even let guys dance with girls there, how can they speak without prejudice of culture or society?!?)

  2. The Department of Sociology/Anthropology offers major concentrations in two separate disciplines. Anthropology and sociology have maintained a unique relationship as "sister" disciplines ever since their establishment in higher education at the turn of the century. While their closeness has been acknowledged since their inception, so has their autonomy. Both disciplines study the social and cultural institutions of entire societies through empirical research. The study of culture and human diversity is central to anthropology, which takes a "four-field" (sociocultural, archeological, physical evolutionary, and linguistic) approach to its subject matter, located throughout the world in prehistoric, as well as non-state (so-called "tribal"), "third" and "fourth-world" developing societies, and the transnational relationshps between them and modern industrial/post-industrial societies. Sociology focuses on industrialized societies which have been, until recently, almost exclusively part of Western civilization. The impact of the industrial transformation on social institutions, cultural values, and human behavior has been its major concern. (See our full mission statement.)


    Sociology at Wheaton

    Anthropology at Wheaton

    Student Research and Senior Symposium

    Resources on the web

    William I. Cole Professorship The William I. Cole Professorship is awarded annually to an established scholar whose work has made a substantial contribution to our understanding of human society and culture and especially to the fields of sociology or anthropology.

    For more information concerning the Department or the Sociology Program, please contact Hyun Sook Kim, Chair of the Sociology & Anthropology Department Knapton 221, (508)286-3657, fax: (508)286-3640, For information about the Anthropology Program, please contact Bruce Owens, Coordinator, Anthropology Program, Knapton 122, (508)286-3659,

  3. both discipline are concerned with the human evolution in society, cultural  beliefs, effects of certain aspects of life that can be measured like family planning, fossils, integration, interaction, popular culture, as well as race and religion. both discipline also use surveys, interviews, participant observations, and documentations to record changes and developments.

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