
Relationship crisis please help?!?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend and i have been together for almost a year now. there's these two girls one is bisexual and the other is a L*****n and i'm friends with both of them. my girlfriend has a reason to dislike one but has no reason to dislike the other but does. she doesn't want me talking to the latter one because she assumes she will hit on me. Is this fair at all? she's never done anything to really make us think she likes me. and also my girlfriend used to enjoy partying and now she doesn't. i never partied my whole life and i'm 18 now and i want to party. i wanted to go to this club with some friends but she doesn't want me to go without her. BUT SHE DOESN'T WANT TO GO. is any of this just?




  1. It all depends on how much you care about your mate.  It means a lot to her so if you care more about making her happy then do not hang out with those girls.  If you can't bare to be without those friends of yours, tell her that you are close friends and this is the way it is going to be.  This is something that is better to go at head-on.  She is either going to learn to be OK with this or maybe it will not work out between you two.  You don't know until you tell her how you feel and she tell you what she thinks.  Good luck.

  2. your 18 you need to live your life.  your not married to her.

  3. Sweetie, you're too young to be in a serious r'ship.  You have natural urges to go out, see the world, experience it, meet new people and do things like go to clubs - all of this is completely normal for your age!  You're too young to be tied down to one person.  This closes you off to so many new experiences that will help you grow as a person.  Believe me, you change so much in your 20's.  In my opinion, you guys need to just cool off for a while - give yourselves time to grow up!

  4. You're only 18 and you should be partying, BUT you must break up with your girlfriend first. Your relationship WILL NEVER work. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  5. Your too young to get yourself into a controlling relationship.  

    You have to tell her that things have to be discussed. That all her rules aren't going to make a relationship last at all.  Your an individual and ever if you 2 are together, you have to work at it together   not just think you can make rules for the other.

  6. Dump her, she's your girlfriend not your mother.

  7. Your friends are a bit out of the mainstream and perhaps she is uncomfortable with that.  She may be more afraid that your friends will hit on her and maybe they have.  

    If she is your girlfriend and you really care about her, why wouldn't you want to be with her rather than partying and going to a club where she is not comfortable.  Is it a g*y club?  Could it be that she is not comfortable with that?  

    You may be at the point where you have to choose. Do you want to keep the girlfriend or to party?  What does the partying do for  you?  Why would you choose partying over having a steady girlfriend whom you care about and who cares about you?    For most people, the partying is about finding someone you really care about.  Perhaps you don't care about her as much as you thought you did if partying with these other girls appeals to you more than being with the girlfriend.

    Have you asked the girl why she doesn't want to go?  Would she want to go to a movie with just you?  or to go dancing someplace else that where your other girlfriends are going?  

    I'm sorry, but maybe  you need to grow up a bit and get over the need to party in this manner. Or if  you do need that and are not ready to yet face adulthood, then perhaps  you need to tell the girlfriend that you have enjoyed her company but that you have decided that you need to party or sow wild oats or whatever and that it is better if you both look at your friendship as just that, being friends but not as girlfriend/boyfriend.  It is your decision to make.  She has made her decision that she is not comfortable partying where the other girls want to party and if you don't want to be with her, you need to tell her and let her go on with her life with someone who is more compatible with her and her lifestyle.  At this point it is stil your choice as she seems to still care about  you.  What do you really want?  I just had a look and many others seem to think that partying is the thing. I guess I look at it from a more experienced view and see partying as a means to getting a relationship rather than as the primary point of life.  So it still comes down to  you and what you really want out of life in the long run.  Then make your choice.  You are not likely to change her mind. She doesn't like the girls who are your friends for some reason and she doesn't like the club to which  you wish to go.  And I can pretty much guarantee that she won't like you going without her so  you have the choice.  I think it is likely that your relationship with  her is over if she is not interested in what you are most interested in.  You are obviously not most interested in  her so...

  8. sounds like your gf is a little controlling honey. you need to talk to her about it, and seh needs to actually talk and listen too. not just get mad

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