
Relationship help plzzz?

by  |  earlier

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me and this gurl have been together for over a year but now were broken up becuz she said i was basicallly holdin her back from having fun (its a long distance relationship). i know we truely did love eachother and i still do and am trying to fix anything i was basically doing wrong wen we were together to try to get her bak. we boke up before a couple times but nothing more than a day but its been like a week n a half and im feelin like were broken up for good. we still talk everyday almost but before we used to TALK now she calls for like a second and thats it. i told her i still love her and everything but shes still not back together with me n idont know wat to do cuz i love her and dont wanna give up so quick on the relationship and move on right away if i know there still might be a chance we could be together. wat should i do?




  1. send her flowers

    or give her a surprise visit

    maybe that will bring back the feelings

    or maybe she just doesn't want a long distance relationship and met someone else already

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