
Relationship n abuse?

by  |  earlier

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i hope someone will help me with this my boyfriend who is a tranny is an ******** he expects me to do all the cooking n cleaning while shes at work at a bar n im just sick of it i dont get it anymore n im going to have to look somewhere else im so confused pls help?




  1. get rid of him/her they are scumbags for makeing you do everything give him/her a taste of there own medicine and good luck youll need it from the sound of things and toss them to the kerb girl [real one] yes no tranny's here i bet

  2. Sounds like he doesn't want a girlfriend. He wants a slave. The only way this would be an acceptable situation is if he were the only one who was working & you were not. I'm assuming that's not the case, though.

    If he's unwilling to help you out, then dump him. Don't let him emotionally blackmail you into staying just so he can have some free help.

  3. Do it.  It's not a relationship worth keeping if its one sided.

  4. cmon girl, youre better than that. dump his he she ***! lol..
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