
Relationships? What Keeps Them Fresh, Interesting, and Intimate?

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Any Ideas?




  1. Communication about your wants and needs, desires and craves.

    The best thing about a long term relationship is that hopefully the couple has the ability to TALK about ANYTHING.

    But besides that, the little things in life mean the most...foreplay is all day, everyday...

    Laughing at every joke she makes, even if it's on the inside and she is not aware.

    A caress on the curve of her back as you walk by.

    A nuzzle on the neck as she cooks dinner.

    A filled bathtub with her favorite scent, waiting for her after the gym.

    A simple note about your favorite thing---a body part of hers--and what you want to do to it in her panty drawer or on the windshield of her car.

    A poem, written by you (and I'm sure you write very well), about the happiness you receive when contemplating her pinky finger.

    Waking her up with butterfly kisses.

    Calling her in the middle of the day "just because".

    But most of all, seeing her, actually SEEING her when she talks and complains about her co-workers or about the dry cleaner and the 5th missing button on her favorite skirt.

    Clayton, does your wife know you ask all of these Q's about how to make her life more satisfying?  What a lucky lady! Maybe you should turn on your pc and show her...

    Ok, I have an edit:  You are romantic and know all of the ways to be her "prince"...

    Now I will be perfectly frank with this not leading to lots 'o orgasms? If not...

    Try to remember the heat you had for each other when dating!

    Do all the things you weren't confident doing at twenty or if you did do these them again....almost public s*x, in a variety of places (use your imagination...I'm sure YOU won't have a problem with that) mixed with spontaneity does wonders for the freshness of a relationship.

    At dinner, in a restaurant...feel her up under the table (slide your hand up her naked thigh and it where she likes it most as you calmly order your meal) or you could even get one of those remote vibrators and give it a squeeze as she eats her steak.  A little sloshed Merlot is nothing to cry over.

    Get good and hard while you're driving, ask her if she could grab your shifter...

    Blatantly stare at her crotch, b*****s..don't look at her face, look at her woman parts..women in long, long, loooong term relationships, especially with a romantic like you, need to feel wanted SEXUALLY...make her feel like you can't get enough of her curves, she drives you this in front of her friends, in front of her family, in front of her's ok, you've been married forever...everyone will just be jealous.

    Grab her hair and pull her to her face, memorize the inside of her mouth with your you push her against the wall in the fitting room at her favorite clothing store.

    Take her to the coat room at a party...lay her on the most expensive, softest article around and...drown in her ocean, like she is the last glass of water and you have been in the desert far too long.

    I have so much to add but can't as I would probably get my account deleted..I am thinking of some very graphic graphics.

    Again, what a lucky lady!

    Have fun and a cigar on me. ;D

    Another Edit:  I have been thinking about this very Q before you wrote it..

    Passion...not just for each other..for your career, your meals, your hobbies, your ambitions, your dreams...when you are excited about life and want to share your joy with another. I believe this to be the foremost way to keep any relationship fresh, interesting, and intimate

  2. Being honest with each other. Being able to trust one anther.

  3. open communication about really anything

    things always happen, so keeping eachother updated keeps the closeness up instead of pulling you apart in different directions

    being adventurus and wiling to try new things

  4. umm s*x, and making out and umm yeah thats pretty much it. If you stay with a person for a very long time it doesn't have to be fresh and interesting

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