
Relative Visitors?

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I've heard many stories about seeing and sensing deceased loved ones surrounding family members (keeping them safe, etc.). I live in my deceased parents' home (Mom died in the home)with my husband and although I've never encountered such phenomenon, I'd like to know if they could see us making love? Not trying to be funny by any means, but it makes sense that if their spirits can just appear or be in the vicinity of your area...




  1. let them rest in peace.

  2. To the poster above: Don't believe everything Sylvia Brown has to say.  She's been revealed as a fraud.  I also called into her radio show a couple times for a free question and right now I should be married, to an old f**t, with 3 kids.  =\ I'm 22.

    Anywho, I do believe in the paranormal due to my own personal experiences.  I'm sure they can see you making whoopie and going to the bathroom....anything that we like to keep private they can see, I'm sure.  

    Kind of makes your hairs on the back of your neck stand up thinking about how we're never alone, huh

  3. I don't like the  idea that in the afterlife I get to look at my loved ones sitting on the toilet.  I'd like to think I'd have better things to do if there is anything afterlife at all.

  4. I'm sure they can see us in everything we do but to them it's a "no thing" now.  s*x is nothing more than a physiological function just like going to the bathroom. There's no need for embarrassment in the afterlife and you shouldn't be embarrassed either! I don't think they sit around watching. *grin*

  5. It might not be as funny as some may think.  If these thoughts are on your mind, I don't see how it could be any good at all for your marital relations.

       The experience of having lost love ones around is very common.  Many have thought they saw a loved one by their bed at night.  This is so common that psychologists have a name for it.  It is a dream experience that the person remembers as a waking experience.  Very peculiar things can happen in that transition from sleeping to waking, and vice versa.

       Though you miss her and love her, Mom is not there.  She resides in your memory but this is your awareness, not hers.  If it continues to mess up your love life, I would seriously consider moving.

  6. Famous psychic  Sylvia Brown says that the dead see EVERYTHING we do!!

    I know when I die I'll have a lot of explaining to do!

  7. If they can, they have been doing it for years and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. So, as there is nothing you can do about it, I suggest completely forgetting the issue. It'll make your life easier.

  8. If you believe that people get trapped here on earth after they die, then there is reason to fear. This means there is no Christian God as this goes completely against the teachings of the Bible. With no infinitly sized heaven and h**l, the afterlife is going to be overcrowded with the souls of every human who ever died. If souls take up 3D space on our planet, perhaps this is the real reason for Global warming.

    To get to the point, people roaming the earth after they die doesnt make sense.

  9. I usually feel this way after someone dies. Some things like this they might not want to see. This would be their problem and not yours anyway. If you were a ghost what worldly things would you miss the most?

  10. What you're describing can happen and sometimes does happen depending on the spirit, what they are interested in seeing, and where they might happen to be at any time.  Just like any person, a spirit still has the ability to choose where they go and what they see.  Many spirits do not hang around people after they leave the physical body, so, though it's possible, it's not definitive that there is a spirit in your house.

    Having said that, you need to focus on the physical world and the life that you are living with your husband.  You are a physical being, and you need to meet your husbands needs the needs of your physcial body.  Remember that you are only physical for a brief period of time.  Enjoy it while you have it.  If any spirits are watching, I'll bet they are jealous!
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