My mother in law's house is a nightmare. I nearly died living there. I could have caught diseases if I wasn't so clean in my personal 10 foot by 10 foot bedroom and ajoining shared bathroom. Her kids are 8, 9, and 16. My husband is 20. She never taught them to clean up after themselves and never cleaned for herself. She now wants to move because she started to see the filfth... bubble gum trapped in the carpets, cat pee infiltrating the hardwood floors, soda, candy, food smeared into the cabinets, floors, and walls. The house is so bad that it's worth $50,00 in square footage and features, but she is only going to sell it for tens of thousands less because of all the cleanup, repairs, and remodeling necessary.
Why would you take out a new loan, sell your current house, if you are clearly not prepared to take care of your current one? I'm frightened that she will never be able to see the current one, but if she can, she will be allowing those heathens to trash yet another house.