
Relatively difficult dynamics problem?

by Guest63424  |  earlier

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The system is released from rest in the position shown. The 15kg cylinder falls through the hole in the support, but the 15 kg collar is removed from the cylinder as it hits the support. Determine the distance S in which the 50kg block moves up the incline. Neglect the mass of the pulleys..

Here is the figure.

Sorry for this problem. I dont even know how to start.




  1. The picture is so incoherent as to require a LOT more info.

    The net force to move the block up the (30°?) incline is 38g N, so the combined cylinder + collar will cause that to happen since the required tension in the vertical string is only 19g N.  

    Without the collar, there is insufficient tension to move the block uphill, but the answer to your ? is dependent on how far the cylinder falls before the collar hits.  This is the unclear part of the picture.  There is a 1.2 m dimension, but what does it apply to?

    The block will clearly move ½ the distance collar moves to contact the rim of the hole.

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