The Graph is related to Relativity theory. Choose the effect of either Length contraction, Mass expansion or Time dilation.
Mr. Kirwin showed you the formulas. Calculate what the apparent variable l, m or t would be if you moved at high speed. Graph v on the x axis, your chosen variable( l, m or t) on the y axis. You should graph the velocity, v, as a multiple of c (the speed of light). Graph 15 sets of data starting with 0.1c, 0.2c etc up through .9c, .99c, .999c ...... getting really close to 1.0c which would be the speed of light. 0.1c means a velocity, v, of 0.1 times 300,000,000 m/s (I can't do an exponent to show 3 times ten to the eighth power here). .999c means a velocity, v, of .999 times 300,000,000 m/s. Decide how fast you would have to go before the effects of relativity would be noticeable.
Please use excel, or other graph program and email it to me. This may require you to figure out how to use a graphing program, so start early and post help on Moodle.