
Relay handoffs?

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Coach doesn't want us to do it blind, which i disagree with not that he cares and all. But doing it not blind would slow us down a bit wouldn't it? Having to look then turn around and run, doesn't that take some time off? As to doing it blind she would just tell me to go and id go full speed and shed pass it to me, doesn't that make sense? What do you think? What would you suggest?




  1. yeah doing it blind is a lot faster! and im not down with all that "stick" c**p. thats for middle school teams. look up online for how its done. its to long for me to explain

  2. In this case you are right.  The technique your coach is referring to is also known as flushing and it totally slows you down.

    Don't wait for your teammate to get to you.  You should be running when she's on her way in.  Not too fast that you leave her, but enough to get moving while your still in the passing zone.

    You guys need to practice your hand offs over and over until all she has to do is say "stick!" and you know to have your hand out.

    Start with a simple pass line (stand in single file line, anchor in the back, pass it forward saying, "stick")  for about 15 minutes at each practice.  Do not look at your teammates while doing this.

    Proceed to blind handoffs running a short distance between girls at jogging speed.  Again, calling out stick.

    Work up to practing the handoffs at full speed.  You will learn to judge her speed and distance.  Just remember not to be too eager and leave your partner behind.

    Of course, the thing about doing a blind handoff is is: don't switch hands when you get the baton.  Practic getting/carrying the baton in the hand your teammate gives it to you.

    Good luck on your upcoming races!
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