
Release of Andy Irons autopsy results further postponed to June 20

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Release of Andy Irons autopsy results further postponed to June 20
In the latest news about Andy Irons and his death, a Tarrant County, Texas, judge postponed the release of the surfer’s autopsy results on Thursday, May 19th. The results were scheduled to be released on the 20th of this month, but
will now be revealed to the public on the 20th of June.
The Tarrant County Assistant District Attorney, Ashley Fourt, e-mailed the media, claiming that the autopsy results were being postponed on the request of Iron’s family. However, the surfer’s family denied the claim and gave a statement on May 20th
in reference to the Assistant District Attorney’s e-mail, saying that they had not requested for the results to be blocked for an extended period that were scheduled to be released by the Tarrant County Medical Examiner on 20th May.
The family further said that the request for a delay in the release of the results of Irons’ Autopsy was made by a lawyer from Dallas who acted without any authorisation from them. Allegedly, the lawyer made a false claim of working in accordance with the
family’s wishes and on their behalf. The intended motivation for requesting a delay in the release of autopsy results was to give more to the Medical Examiner to translate the 10-page toxicology report to a more laymen-friendly document in order to decrease
the risk of the report getting misinterpreted and misunderstood. In addition to making the report more clear, the lawyer also intended to give a little more time to the Irons’ family to accept the actual cause of Andy’s death.
Irons died on November 2, 2010, while coming back home to Hawaii from an Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) event in Puerto Rico to meet up with his doctor and heavily pregnant wife, Lyndie. He was forced to make a make a stop at Dallas due to deteriorating
health. One day later, he was found dead in the Grand Hyatt near the Dallas Fort Worth Airport.
According to the initial reports, Methadone, which is an insomnia drug, was found alongside his body. There were also rumours about Irons suffering from Dengue and the disease being a possible cause of his death. However, the actual cause could only be determined
after the release of the full-fledge autopsy reports. The autopsy reports, which were to be released after two weeks, were put on hold after Andy’s wife filed a court injunction.
Another court injunction right after the previous one expired has raised a lot of suspicions. The media is currently speculating the intentions of the Irons family because of asking for the extensions in the release of autopsy release.
 However, the family insists that they are anticipating the results for the last six months. They further added that, “The family is still anxiously awaiting the results of the autopsy and toxicology report and will comment further, and with all due honesty,
once it is provided to us.”
Hopefully, there will not be any further delays and the mystery will finally be removed on June 20th with the release of the autopsy results.



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